Captain Rex

Captain Rex Overview

Captain Rex
Captain Rex

CT-7567, as known as Rex for short. Commander of the Torrent Company, and good friends with Commander Cody – Rex was a great assistant to many jedi’s. He was assigned to Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. Rex appeared in many battles such as the Battle of Bothawui and Battle of Ryloth. Rex’s weapon of choice is DC-17 hand blasters, he dual-wields them when fighting. Unlike many other clones, Rex has an independent mind but still follows many harsh orders. Rex has his battle scars, getting shot in the chest by blaster fire Saleucami by a Commander Droid.

Early Life

Rex served in Geonosis with Denal. There he was promoted to captain. Rex went through Alpha training, and was one of the few not directly under Jango Fett‘s guidance to become an ARC Trooper. When he was finished he was assigned to Anakin Skywalker.

Characteristics and Traits.

Rex believes that experience outranks everything. He adapted well to any situation that was thrown at him. As an independent thinker he was not afraid to put himself in danger if it was required.