
Chain is a former AIM agent that went freelance and is now an original member of the Seekers. Chain along with his other two teammates Grasp and Sonic became high-tech bounty hunters after they left AIM. One of their first bounties was Spider Woman after she helped free the Avengers from the Vault and was wanted by the government. Chain and the Seekers came into conflict with Spider Woman and Iron Man but were defeated.
Chain was created by Danny Fingeroth and Tom Morgan in 1987 and first appeared in Iron Man # 214.
Story Arcs
They also had conflicts with the Human Torch and the mutant Rusty Collins when Grasp had a personal vendetta against Johnny Storm. They were hired by the Secret Empire to provide reinforcements for Midnight but they were defeated by the combined forces of Spider Man, Night Thrasher, Moon Knight and the Punisher.
Chain and the Seekers appear with two new members named Fireball and Laserworks after Grasp left the group. These four members of the Seekers are hired to capture Venom so they can synthesize the symbiote and learn more about it. The Seekers find Venom in a fight with Darkhawk in San Francisco and capture him. Eddie Brock is held captive inside a laser cage created by Laserwork while the rest of the Seekers finish off Darkhawk. However Darkhawk would take down Chain, Fireball and Sonic with a wide-angle force blast while Venom manages to escape during the distraction. The Seekers are defeated and fail to complete their mission.
Chain and the rest of the Seekers are later hired as armored muscle by the West Coast Power Brokers involving a transaction of several crystals and millions of dollars. A man named Flynn took mental control of the Metahumes and brought them to the Reboy Plastics Factory where the transaction was suppose to take place. Flynn tried to take mental control of a man named Carlson who had the money but failed. Carlson planned to double cross Flynn with the help of the Seekers but they are easily defeated by the Metahumes.
Powers & Abilities
Chain’s armor provides him the ability of flight and a degree of superhuman strength. The armor suit is also equipped with a blaster gun. His weapon of choice is a chain or shackle that flows with energy. His chain is used for melee and range attacks.