Frances Kemp lives in a town where a proportion of the population possesses supernatural powers. But not her. That does not stop her from wanting to play a watchdog role, night after night. A lawyer by training, she works for the office of mayor at day. It gives her access to privileged information. Â
Although she has no super powers, she’ s very dangerous and she knows how to fight.  She fight with a big stick and carry a tazer. She has a black belt both in aikido and kung fu, with a lot of practice and experience.
Frances Kemp lives in a town where a proportion of the population possesses supernatural powers. But not her. That does not stop her from wanting to play a watchdog role, night after night. A lawyer by training, she works for the office of mayor at day. It gives her access to privileged information. Â
Although she has no super powers, she’ s very dangerous and she knows how to fight.  She fight with a big stick and carry a tazer. She has a black belt both in aikido and kung fu, with a lot of practice and experience.