While working as an assistant to Dr. Robert Crane, Charles Grayson helped him develop a method to implant human brains into robotic bodies. This method took the pair a few years to bring about, but it was thought to provide immortality in a way by various criminals. These criminals conceived a devious plan to sell immortality to wealthy and insecure people who desired to live forever. After capturing Dr. Crane, nameless criminals attempted to extort them for instructions how on to control the robot capable of housing a human brain, but Dr. Crane declines to help and make an escape attempt. During the escape attempt Dr. Crane is shot and left to die, and Grayson finds him on the absolute verge of death. Seeing that the robot they developed was left by the criminals, Grayson elects to put Dr. Crane’s brain inside it. Grayson is successful and Robotman is born, Dr Crane decides to leave his past life behind.
Following the birth of Robotman, a trial is held to decide whether or not he is human or just a machine.
Created for use in DC Comics by Jack Kirby and Jerry Siegel, Charles Grayson’s first appearance is in Star-Spangled Comics #7, released in April of 1942.
Major Story Arcs
Participation in Project M
During World War II, Charles Grayson becomes involved with and is a member of Project M, which is a program focusing on psychological warfare and the benefits it can provide. While with the program, the superhero team the Young All-Stars approaches Grayson to help them in regards to Fury. Grayson is approached to assist Fury purging herself of the blood avenger, Tisiphone.
After World War II
Following World War II, Charles Grayson dies and has his body frozen; subsequently, Grayson’s old friend is given Grayson body with the intention of implanting Grayson’s brain into a robot body. After a long period of time in which Grayson’s body is kept frozen, desiring to be human again, Robotman places his brain from the robot body into Grayson’s with the help of The Chief.
Powers and Abilities
Charles Grayson has no innate super powers, though he is ridiculously intelligent, evident by his inventing a method of putting a human brain into robots.