
Before being recruited by the Raccoon City S.T.A.R.S Alpha team, Chris Redfield was a highly experienced helicopter pilot and member of the United States Airforce. During his time with the USFA, Chris was in the same unit as Barry Burton, who would also later become his S.T.A.R.S team mate. At the age of 21, Chris had already received high praise as both a pilot and a very capable weapons handler, skilled in both armed and unarmed combat.
However, despite his impressive skills, Chris was discharged from his unit due to several confrontations and disagreements with his commanding officers. He was soon offered a job as a member of S.T.A.R.S, quickly rising through the ranks being elevated to Alpha Team, and is given the position of PM (Point Man) he was the number one marksman on the team. Chris Redfield is the older brother of Claire Redfield, the two developed and strong sibling bond after the death of the parents in a car accident, relying on each other for comfort and support.
Chris Redfield was created by Takahiro Arimitsu, with imput from video game designer Hideki Kamiya. Isao Ohishi designed Chris’s physical appearence in the first game, and it has since been greatly expanded upon by various Capcom game designers. Chris was created in the “Blunt, tough-guy type” architect, which had become increasing popular during the time. The character made his first appearence in Resident Evil released in 1996 on the Playstation One. He has since appeared in many different media formats.
Character Evolution
Chris Redfield has appeared in 15 years of Capcom history, debuting in 1996, Chris has undergone numerous tweaks to both his personality and appearence. In the video game Resident Evil 5, Chris has a far more muscular bulid compared to previous games, and has been portrayed by several different voice actors over the character history, they include Scott McCulloch (Resident Evil 1996 and Code: Veronica 2000). Joe Whyte takes over voice acting dutys on the Resident Evil remake in 2002, and then Roger Craig Smith brings the character to life in Resident Evil 5 released in 2009 on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Joe White reprised the role in the Darkside Chronicles, Revelations, and Marvel vs Capcom 3.
Major Story Arcs
The Mansion Incident

After a series of bizarre murders occur in the Arklay mountains of Raccoon City,S.T.A.R.S bravo team is sent in to perform a sweep of the mountains in search of the killers. Alpha Team lead by veteran Albert Wesker, remain in radio communication with bravo team from the R.C.P.D.
Things soon take a turn for the worst when they lose contact with bravo team, who were flying over the area by helicopter. Suspecting a potential engine failure, Alpha Team, consisting of Albert Wesker, Barry Burton, Jill Valentine, Brad Vickers, Joseph Frost, and Chris Redfield
serving as the team’s Point Man, quickly assemble and are in the air within minutes, heading to Bravo Teams last known coordinates. Conducting an aerial sweep, the team soon see’s black smoke and find bravo teams downed helicopter, hoever, to their horror they also discover the mutilated body of bravo teams pilot. While searching the surrounding woods, Joseph Frost is attacked by a pack of wild dogs, who’s bodys seemed to be in the process of rotting, despite Jill’s efforts, Joseph is torn apart before her and the Dogs soon turn on her.
Managing to rejoin the rest of the team, Jill and the others run back to their helicopter only to see their terrified pilot Brad Vickers already taking off and leaving them stranded. Remembering the lay out of the land, Wesker ordered them to head for the old spencer mansion, which had been abandoned for years. Just managing to hold of the chasing demonic dogs long enough to reach the mansion they were able to taking shelter inside, only to discover the eerie mansion did not seem to be abandoned at all, in fact the interior seemed to be well cared for, with only a weeks worth of dust on the furniture, where as the mansion had supposed to have been derelict for over 10 years.
After recovering from their wounds, the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members made a number of attempts to report Umbrella to the authorities, but all attempts failed due to the corporation’s bribing of the Raccoon City Police Department’s chief Brian Irons. While the public were disturbed by the events, they continued to purchase Umbrella’s products. Eventually, due to the threat of exposure, Irons had the S.T.A.R.S. team disbanded before they discovered too much, and replaced with a more standard S.W.A.T.
Chris decided to dig up some information on Irons secretly, and requested that the Federal Police Headquarters carry out an investigation into the Raccoon City Police Department and Irons himself. To cover his tracks and keep Irons from suspecting anything, Chris displayed extensive aggressiveness, once punching fellow officer Elrand in the face for spilling coffee on him by accident. Jill, unaware of Chris’s intentions, tried to stop him but he simply winked at her then walked away. He was later suspended for “vacation”.
Chris began investigating Umbrella alone, telling nobody, not even Jill. When he finally did tell her after inviting her to his apartment and showed her reports on the G-virus, she was determined not to let Chris fight Umbrella on his own, and called Barry for extra backup. The three of them set out to uncover as much info on Umbrella as they could, but Chris knew that their best bet was to travel to Umbrella’s main headquarters, in Europe. Jill agreed that she will continue trying to find more information in Raccoon City before joining Chris, and Barry promised to follow after getting his family to safety. Chris opted against telling his sister anything to avoid putting her in harms way, but this decision had the opposite effect.
Claire, during the Raccoon City Destruction Incident would find the fax reply to Chris’s requested investigation of Irons. She had come looking for her brother whose last known whereabouts were in Raccoon City. The fax would reveal that, although they tried to find incriminating evidence regarding the G-virus, no evidence confirmed it’s existence. However, they did find that chief Irons was hiding a dark past and may or may not be taking bribes.
Claire determined that Umbrella had a facility in Paris, and believed Chris may have gone there. Claire indeed traveled to the Paris facility, but found that it was not Chris’ destination. She was discovered snooping around, and after almost destroying their own base trying to catch her, Umbrella caught and sent her to Rockfort Island, an isolated prison run by Umbrella.
Rockfort Island and Antarctica
While in Europe investigating Umbrella’s activities, Chris’ own activities made him a wanted target for Umbrella.
This is what helped Leon S. Kennedy in tracking him down. Leon, a friend of Claire’s after they cooperated to escape Raccoon City, was e-mailed by Claire asking him to find Chris. He passed on Claire’s message for help, prompting Chris to abandon his mission and head to Rockfort Island.
Arriving at Rockfort Island, Chris infiltrates undetected by climbing the outer walls. He meets Rodrigo Juan Raval, who tells Chris about Claire’s presence on the island. Rodrigo is soon attacked and swallowed by the Gulp Worm, a large worm creature. Chris fights and kills the monster, who spits Rodrigo back out. Before he dies, Rodrigo gives Chris a lighter, which Claire had given him in gratitude for releasing her and tells Chris that Claire may already have left Rockfort Island.
While searching the island, Chris finds the answers that he was originally looking for when he came to Europe. What he hadn’t anticipated however was the return of his former captain. Albert Wesker had mysteriously survived their encounter in the Arklay mountains during the Mansion Incident several months ago and now carries a strong vendetta against Chris.
They have a brief scuffle, in which Wesker easily overpowers Chris using his inhuman strength, Wesker reveals to Chris that Claire is in Antarctica, at another secret Umbrella research base.
After following Claire to the Antarctic base, he found her unconscious in a replica of Spencer’s Mansion. Wesker himself traveled to the base in pursuit of Alexia Ashford, who possessed the last remaining sample of the t-Veronica virus. Chris and Claire’s reunion was brief, as they were separated when Claire departed to find fellow prisoner, Steve Burnside, who she had been cooperating with.
Chris watched Wesker and a mutated Alexia fight after he demanded she hand over the Veronica virus, but was forced to deal with her himself when Wesker fled the scene. Chris brought her down temporarily.
After Steve’s death, Chris activated the self-destruct system of the base and meets his sister once again. They attempt to escape, but Alexia reappears and tries to stop them. Chris and Claire activate a special weapon, known as the Linear Launcher, but the weapon needs time to charge. Chris tells Claire to wait for him at the Harrier jet while he deals with Alexia. Claire reluctantly agrees, but Alexia tries to attack her. Chris shoots Alexia. Then, her body reacts with a gruesome mutation. Claire runs away, and Chris battles Alexia. During the fight, Alexia leaves her cocoon body and begins to fly. The Linear Launcher finally recharges and, with only one shot, Chris was able to finish her off.
When the base began to crumble, Chris chases after Wesker, who had taken Claire hostage. After some talk, Wesker releases Claire, claiming that it is Chris he wants, and that killing him is better than completing his mission of acquiring the t-Veronica virus. Chris orders Claire to wait at the jet. Chris and Wesker then engage in combat, and Chris is beaten up by Wesker, who proclaims that his new superhuman abilities are well worth not being human any more.
Chris utilizes some hanging girders which fall on Wesker. The fight was eventually interrupted by the imminent destruction of the facility. Wesker promises that the next time they meet, it will be the last. Chris leaves for the jet. With the base literally exploding behind him, he emerges from the elevator and is blown across the room, landing on the nose of the jet. Chris piloted the jet and escaped the facility as it self-destructed. Claire asked him to promise he won’t go off and leave her alone again, but Chris said that he had to put a stop to Umbrella for good.
After this incident, Chris is reunited with Jill, who had previously escaped Raccoon City with Barry Burton. She had arrived at Chris’ ransacked apartment and found only his knife on the floor. Jill set off to find Chris, who also took action to find her. Together they joined an anti-Umbrella and bio-weapon task-force. They designated themselves partners, working only with each other, and for the next five years, they did everything they could to try and expose Umbrella, but always wound up at a dead end.
The end of Umbrella
Eventually, they were confronted with a new experimental Bio-Weapon, codenamed t-A.L.O.S. Sergei Vladimir revealed himself to be the creator, and sealed Chris and Jill inside the t-A.L.O.S. containment room and activated the monster. Sergei taunted them, announcing that as fellow soldiers, Chris and Jill know the feeling of being alive in battle, before revealing t-A.L.O.S. as if to say no amount of battle experience is enough to defeat this new B.O.W..
Having no choice but to fight, Chris and Jill were successfully able to defeat t-A.L.O.S., finally ending Umbrella once and for all. After escaping the facility, Chris and Jill still lamented that Wesker was still out there. Though their troubles with Umbrella were over, it would only be a matter of time before they would be dealing with Wesker again. Unknown to them, Wesker had actually infiltrated the same facility in order to take out Sergei Vladimir.
After the collapse of Umbrella, rivals and terrorist groups managed to get their hands on Umbrella’s projects. Chris and Jill both helped co-found the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (B.S.A.A.), dedicating to stopping the creation and usage of bio-weapons. There, they appointed themselves partners, and aside from locating Wesker, Chris and Jill traveled the world together on missions to reduce the growing number of bio-weapons, ranging from stopping bio-weapons in Asia to destroying bio-weapon labs in South America to arresting smugglers in Europe.
Il Veltro Conspiracy
In the meantime, Jill Valentine and Parker Luciani launched a rescue mission to the Mediterranean Sea to locate them. According with the last know coordinates issued by terminals, Jill and Parker learned that Chris and Jessica were somewhere in the ocean, possibly aboard on a ship. This leads Parker and Jill to a investigation on Queen Zenobia.
Arriving in the peak of the mountain, Chris and Jessica witnessed a terrible accident involving a cargo plane that crashed nearby. Searching the crash site, they found traces of a virus along with the mauled corpse of the pilot, who was suspected to be a Veltro operative. Following a path, Chris and Jessica rushed through an mining area, a shortcut to the hideout. While in the caves, they were attacked by several mutant wolves infected with the t-Abyss virus, then still unknown. During the combat, Chris was injured in the leg, but was able to defeat the wolf pack of Fenrir with assistance from Jessica who helped him up. By the end of the caves, Chris and Jessica finally discover an air base used by Il Veltro as a hideout. Soon after this, O’Brian finally managed to contact his agents after the communication problem, being informed that the Il Veltro’s is active once again. Chris and Jessica also receives bad news: Jill and Parker has gone missing during the last operation to find them. Based on the Veltro’s resurrection, it was possible that Parker and Jill were captured by these terrorists. Immediately, Chris and Jessica returned to HQ, taking a chopper and setting another mission to find the Veltro’s ghost ship. However, there was no further information about the cruise current location.
Under Chris’ suggestion, O’Brian sends operatives Keith Lumley and Quint Cetcham back to Valkoinen Mökki airport in order to find any data that should give the B.S.A.A. the exact coordinates of Queen Zenobia. This mission was accomplished, allowing Chris and Jessica to locate the cruise. Landing on the ship’s deck, Chris and Jessica begins the search for their lost comrades, encountering hordes of mutants. However, they soon realize that this ship is actually the Queen Semiramis, a carbon-copy of Queen Zenobia. Revealing this mistake to O’Brian, Chris get the actual location of Queen Zenobia. While approaching the Queen Zenobia in a boat, Chris and Jessica are attacked by an unknown sea monster, but they manage to frighten him off and ensure their entrance on the ship. Parker and Jill are finally encountered in the ship’s Casino, where Jessica shoot a unarmed Veltro agent, much to Chris’ surprise. The terrorist is killed, being revealed that he was in fact Raymond Vester, an F.B.C. operative. After this, Chris partnered up with Jill again, heading to the ship’s lab in order to stop the t-Abyss virus before this contaminate the sea, while Parker and Jessica searches for a way to delay the Queen Zenobia sinking.
Once in the labs, Chris and Jill managed to neutralize the t-Abyss virus once and for all, while they actions are monitored by Morgan Lansdale, the mastermind behind the Terragrigia Panic. While escaping the sinking ship, Jill and Chris found a wounded Parker (shot in the leg by Jessica, Morgan’s mole). However, they where unable to save him on time, although Parker managed to survive. Outside of the Queen Zenobia, they are attacked by a giant B.O.W. but they manage to destroy it with the help of Kirk Mathison.
However, the mission was not over yet. Director O’Brian come clean with Jill and Chris, telling all about the Veltro conspiracy orchestrated by himself. Also, he confirms the existence of a third ship: The Queen Dido. In order to retrieve a video that contain the proof of Morgan evil doing, Chris and Jill read for the Dido’s remains on the Terragrigia ruins, discovering that Jack Norman is still alive inside the wreckage. Filled with vengeance against Morgan, Norman injected himself with the t-Abyss, becoming the powerful “Ultimate Abyss”. During the fight, Chris and Jill are able to destroy the creature, retrieving Jack’s PDA and revealing the truth about Terragrigia, causing Morgan’s arrest and the decline of F.B.C..
Jill’s apparent death
Entering the estate, it was not long before they discovered the bodies of Spencer’s bodyguards, who had already been brutally killed through “unconventional means”. Both of them had to survive and endure numerous puzzles and traps built on the estate, whilst fighting off the multiple Guardians of Insanity which relentlessly pursued them throughout their mission. Whilst proceeding through the estate’s gardens, they fell through an old bridge and landed in the sewers below, losing most of their equipment in the process. Defenseless, the agents relied solely on their wits to outsmart and eliminate the remaining Guardians of Insanity before making their escape from the sewer. When they arrived at the last hallway in the estate, they discovered more of his bodyguards horrifically murdered outside the entrance. When they opened the last door where Spencer could be hiding, they were greeted by Wesker, who had just killed Spencer a few minutes before they came in. A brief battle soon followed. Although the two put up a fight, both Chris and Jill were easily beaten by Wesker’s super-human powers, and just as Wesker was about to deal the blow that would end Chris’ life, Jill launched herself at Wesker, hurling the pair through the nearby window and into the chasm beyond the cliff the mansion was built upon. Chris could do nothing as he watched his partner fall to her death.
The B.S.A.A. conducted a three month search for Jill’s body, with no success. As a result, Jill Valentine was officially declared dead in the line of duty. For the next 3 years, Chris refused to believe that Jill had died, and put himself into every mission available, with the hope of finding some kind of lead to Jill’s whereabouts.
Kijuju incident
Irving tries to kill Chris, Sheva and Josh by blowing the oil refinery, but the B.S.A.A. agents manages to escape and confront Irving. In an ultimate effort to destroy Chris and Sheva, Irving inject himself with a sample containing the Dominant-strain Plaga, who mutates Irving into a large Kraken like creature. Chris and Sheva are able to destroy the monster. Before his death, Irving told Chris that all answers he is looking for will be in the caves.
With Irving eventually taken down, Chris told Sheva that he only got involved in the mission so he could find Jill, who he suspected was still alive. Although surprised, Sheva vows to stick with Chris to the end. The duo discover a large area full of capsules used to store test subjects. Chris rushes to a monitor and searches for Jill. As the platform they stood on raises to Jill’s capsule, Chris and Sheva are attacked by a large creature known as U-8. This promptly stops the platform, forcing Chris and Sheva to fight back.
After its defeat, both are greeted to an empty capsule, and Excella Gionne via the monitor, who denies any knowledge of Jill. Sheva recognizes Excella as one of TriCell’s co-founders, and tells Chris she is lying. Later, they meet Excella again in a lab, where they came across a test subject, who then mutates into Uroboros Mkono. After defeating the monstrosity that resulted, they eventually tracked down Excella, who was accompanied by Albert Wesker, and a mysterious cloaked female acquaintance. Chris demanded to know the whereabouts of Jill, and is stunned when Wesker removed the hood of his mysterious helper, who was none other than Jill herself. Despite Chris’ attempts to bring her back to realization, he and Sheva are attacked and overwhelmed by her.
As Wesker prepares to leave, Chris managed to get through to Jill. Wesker, although surprised, activates a device that causes her extreme pain, and leaves Chris to watch her suffer. Sheva spotted a device on Jill’s chest and helped Chris in forcefully removing it.
After Jill collapses, Chris rushes over to her and is relieved to find that she is alive and back to her senses. She apologizes for her actions and urges Chris to continue and stop Wesker before he can finish his preparations. Chris initially refuses, more concerned on getting Jill to safety. Jill grabs him and tells him that he is the only one capable of stopping Wesker. Chris backs into the elevator, and Jill tells Sheva to look out for him.
The pair find Excella, and she runs off in a panic, dropping a vial of something which Sheva keeps after Chris explains that it may be important if Excella wanted to guard it so badly. Later it soon becomes clear that Wesker has no loyalty to Excella when she is revealed to have been injected with the Uroboros virus, which consumes her. It attacks the two, though they are eventually able to defeat it, turning their sights to Wesker. It is then that Chris receives a call from Jill who explains that Wesker needs to inject himself with a serum to keep the virus inside of him stable, but overdosing it would weaken him. It is then that the two find out the vial Excella had dropped is the serum they need to inject Wesker with.
After a very one sided battle with him, Chris and Sheva manage to take control briefly and inject the serum into Wesker’s chest, causing him to flee onto his airship with Chris and Sheva in hot pursuit. They manage to take advantage of his weakness and send him flying out of the cargo room but their advantage decreases when he grabs Sheva’s leg in an attempt to take them down with him. Chris watches, images of Jill rush through his mind as he remembers how he thought he had lost her trying to kill Wesker. He jumps to grab Sheva as she loses her grip, with Wesker determined to take both of them, but Sheva shoots him in the face and he is sucked from the plane.
Crashing in a volcano, Chris and Sheva are shocked to find Wesker alive and angry. Puncturing a container of Uroboros, Wesker begins to mutate with it and attacks Chris and Sheva. They retreat, but the rocks they cross over break and they are separated. Sheva shouts to Chris to get higher so she can attack Wesker, who turns his attention towards her. Stranded, she shouted for help and Chris was forced to push a huge boulder out of the way so Sheva could join him. Wesker follows but Chris and Sheva are able to overpower him, and as Wesker stands injured, the ground beneath him begins to break and he slips into the lava.
Jill and Josh arrive in a helicopter just in time to witness the scene and Jill throws down a rope ladder. Chris grabs it and Sheva starts to climb, but as Chris goes for it, the ground beneath him also breaks. He stumbles, and jumps for the ladder, catching it one handed. Sheva and Chris are helped into the helicopter only for Wesker to emerge from the lava and catch one of his tentacles onto the helicopter skids. Jill points to the two RPG-7’s that were in the chopper. Chris and Sheva both take aim and fire, and Wesker is finally killed.
As they fly away, a voiceover of Chris says while looking at Jill and Sheva: “More and more I find myself wondering if it’s all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? Yeah, it’s worth it.”
Eastern Europe
Six months before the Lanshiang outbreak, Chris and several B.S.A.A. units were dispatched into a Eastern Europe where an outbreak was caused by an unknown individual, thus events caused Chris some “personal trauma”.
Lanshiang, China
Four years after Wesker’s demise, Chris leads a B.S.A.A. operation in the city of Lanshiang, China, to contain a new bioterrorist threat during a series of attacks across the globe.
Though he’s still being haunted by a “personal trauma” that occurred a few months prior, Chris continues to take the fight to the front-line as every country faces threat from bio-terror attacks.
Appearance and wardrobe
Chris Redfield was developed to be the typical “tough guy” type, commonly found in action movies: spiked hair, bare muscular build and likes combat knives. In his rebut, Chris wears the standard uniform of S.T.A.R.S. His clothing is a white shirt covered with a green Kevlar vest (the vest features a knife case at the left breast), gray pants, holster, knee-pads and black combat boots. The uniform did not show any change in the remake of the game (Not including Resident Evil 5, when Chris wears this outfit the sleeves of his white undershirt has been changed to a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up.) and was also used in “The Mansion Incident” scenario, in The Umbrella Chronicles.
In Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Chris uses a variation of the S.T.A.R.S. suit. Consisting of green shirt with an Raccoon City Police Department – S.T.A.R.S. black vest, green pants and black boots. The vest has a large S.T.A.R.S. logo on the back. The outfit is seen later in an Resident Evil: The Dark Side Chronicles scenario, “Game of Oblivion”. In Chris’s epilogue, he wears a white shirt with a brown jacket. It seems to be the same alternative outfit from the original Resident Evil. In “Umbrella’s End” scenario, from Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, is set in the Caucasus. So he wears a special uniform. It consists of a white coat, black gloves, green vest, white pants and black combat boots. The knife sheath is now on the right leg, and in its place on the vest, there is a walkie-talkie radio. (This costume can be used in Darkside Chronicles if unlocked under special requirements, along with a non-canon Sheriff’s costume.”
In Resident Evil 5 Chris is initially seen with a safari suit. After finding Reynard Fisher, Chris removes the safari jacket and puts on his military equipment. Chris is seen in the game in a mix of civilian clothing with the standard attire for the B.S.A.A..: green shirt with logos of the B.S.A.A.. on both sleeves, a large sheath for his machete on the back, radio with headset, black gloves, a flashlight on his belt, PDA, holster in the right leg, knee-pads and green shoes. Later, the player can equip him with the Melee vest and/or the Bulletproof vest.
Chris appears in Resident Evil: Revelations, wearing his standard uniform of B.S.A.A.. This one is very similar to the uniforms used by Josh Stone and Dan DeChant), previously seen in Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition while playing “Lost in Nightmares” scenario. Also during certian sections of the game, Chris appears wearing a new tactical uniform of B.S.A.A. and later, a winter combat gear, as seen in the latest trailer.
Chris’s weapon of choice is the Samurai Edge, pistol designed and created by Joseph Kendo after a 9mm Beretta model. This weapon was available for sale in Kendo’s Gun Shop, owned by Joseph’s brother, Robert Kendo. The Samurai Edge was made exclusively for members of S.T.A.R.S. Chris’s pistol model features a blued finish slide and a silver trigger. During his search for Claire in Rockfort Island, Chris’s primary weapon was a Glock 17. When Chris joined the B.S.A.A., he receives a Beretta 92F/FS with laser aim. Chris always carries a Combat Knife as a secondary weapon.
Relationships and Personality
Chris is close to his friends and family, specifically with his younger sister Claire and his partner Jill Valentine, whom he would both willingly give his life to protect. He cares greatly for the life of innocents, something that caused him to argue with his superiors in the military. Chris has a long-standing friendship with Barry Burton, who was an old friend of Chris’ family. Barry was the one who recruited him for the Special Tactics And Rescue Service after Chris left the Air Force and began drifting.
Serving as Point Man in S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team, Chris earned the trust of his comrades. In particular, Chris developed a close friendship with Jill Valentine, the only female member of S.T.A.R.S. at the time. Forest Speyer, the sharpshooter of the Bravo Team, was once a great friend (and rival) of Chris, until the Mansion Incident, where Forest was brutally killed and turned into a zombie.
After the Mansion Incident, Chris became obsessed with the Umbrella Corporation, seeking information to bring the company down and avenge the deaths of his friends. Later, Chris and Jill formed a deadly alliance to fight Umbrella together, the B.S.A.A.
Formerly, during his activity in S.T.A.R.S., Chris exhibited a great respect for the team’s leader, Albert Wesker, who also considered Chris as his best team member. However, since Chris ruined, or at least delayed Wesker’s plans at the mansion, a powerful grudge formed between them. Their confrontations thereafter were always intense and violent.
However in during the Il Veltro incident, Chris was shown as a generic typical “soldier”, focusing only on the mission and ignoring all of Jessica, his partner’s advances. When asked by her whether he trusted her or not, he remarked “Trust is measured by actions not words” which Jessica replies “That’s so like you Chris. Its always about the job isn’t it?” He is mainly focused on his mission to fight terrorism. However, when Jill was in danger, he quickly switched focus completely onto rescuing her. It is hinted by Parker Luciani that they share a romantic bond as he says “Maybe he’s already taken”.
During a B.S.A.A. mission to capture Oswell E. Spencer, Jill sacrificed herself to save Chris from Wesker, while he could do nothing to protect Jill. Jill’s perceived death was a very serious blow to Chris personally. Ever since that encounter, he became distant and cold-hearted, perhaps feeling that it was his fault and he did not deserve to be happy thereafter.
In episode one of the Resident Evil 5 viral campaign, entitled ‘Ceremony’, Chris is receiving an award for his courageous performance in Kijuju. However, he is hindered from delivering his speech by a sudden onset of violent memories from his mission. This could be taken as an indicator of post-traumatic stress disorder, which could possibly plague Chris after the events of Resident Evil 5.
In RE5 proper, Chris is intially shows a cold acceptance towards most of the grisly cirumstances presented in the mission. Following the battle with the first Uroboros B.O.W. he and Sheva encountered, Chris comments that if they had arrived sooner to assist DeChant and the rest of Delta Team, they would most likely be dead as well. A substantial part of his driving force during this time is seeking out Jill after he receives intel that she may still be alive. Sheva has doubts about his “personal stake” in the mission, but later appreciates how much he cares for his old partner.
Chris’ reactions to the various threats he’s faced vary over the years change with his experience. During his intial encounters with zombies and B.O.W.s in the Spencer Mansion, he was angered that it was all set up by Wesker (though in truth the outbreak was caused by James Marcus; Wesker simply took advantage of the situation). Following the events at Rockfort Island and the Antarctic Facility, Chris begins to catagorize people like Albert Wesker into simple criminal personalities, refusing to acknowledge their views and immediately dismissing them as evil.
This is most apparent during his first encounter with Sergei Vladimir, where he refers to him as “another Umbrella psycho”, despite the latter’s various machinations since before the Mansion incident. Chris then views Wesker’s world plan in Kijuju with the same disdain. After he and Sheva board Wesker’s stealth bomber, he is even sarcastic about the serious implications of Wesker’s ambtions, going so far as to mock Wesker for taking his plans from “comic book villians”. Strangely in Resident Evil: Revelations, after Jack Norman transforms himself, he yells “Stop it Norman, Morgan isn’t here!” when Jack was obviously incapable of logical thought anymore.
By the time Wesker is killed, Chris is confident that living in a world without fear is worth fighting for, and the cause of combating bioterrorism exceeds all personal costs.
Other media
Resident Evil: Afterlife
The Mercenaries
Marvel Vs. Capcom
Chris appears as a central character in S.D. Perry’s novelizations of the games. Along with Jill, he is a main character in the first book in the series, briefly appears in the second alongside Jill, is referenced in the third and returns as the main character alongside his sister, Claire, in the sixth book in the series.
- Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy (Based on Resident Evil)
- Resident Evil: Caliban Cove (Original Novel)
- Resident Evil Code: Veronica (Based on Code: Veronica)
Deck Building Game
Premier Edition Chris has the most health of any character in the game (120) but cannot be healed, which is his starting effect. His Level 1 effect also prevents him from attaching non-Infected cards. His level 2 effect gives him +5 damage for each Infected card he’s fighting, making shotguns his weapon of choice. In the game’s Partner Mode, Chris’ Level 1 effect still applies. Therefore, if he is assigned as a Partner Character he cannot use weapons or items. This forces the player to designate him their main character.
The promotional Chris is based on his Lost in Nightmares appearance and has 90 health. He is able to negate damage from weaker enemies (only 10 damage) with his Level 1 effect. His level 2 effect is similar insofar as it does the same thing to weapons used against him. Additionally, his second effect allows him to gain a second Explore action.
The fourth Chris card (based on his redone Code: Veronica appearance) was introduced in Outbreak. The second Chris card to have 90 Health, this card’s first effect allows the player to discard any number of cards from their hand and then gain +20 Ammo for every card discarded. Following up on that, his second effect states that when he explores, he deals an additional 20 Damage this turn if he has over 100 ammo.
Skills and Abilities
Chris Redfield possesses no superhuman powers. However, he has undergone extensive military training and is an exeptional helicopter pilot. He is also well versed in the use of most firearms, and is well trained in unarmed combat. Chris is an exceptional shot and served as point man during his time as a member of Raccoon City’s S.T.A.R.S Alpha team.