The Construct was created when the various radio, television, microwave and other various sources filled the Earth. The many forms of electronic waves combined and the Construct was born. The Construct first enemy was Willow. The Construct was defeated by the Justice League, and imprisoned within a virtual world. Its evolution would be routinely disrupted to prevent its escape. Eventually a new solution had to be found. It was evolving too rapidly. The Flash realized that it was all alone, and that by splitting its consciousness into several entities it might be happy. The Martian Manhunter was amazed by this suggestion, and implemented it immediately. The Construct no longer felt all outsiders as ‘intruders’ and threats, and was happy. It helped to stop the Void Hound from destroying the Anti-Matter Earth.
Brightest Day: Cogs
The Construct is held within The Justice League Satellite. Cyborg siphoned off some of The Construct’s power to stop Red Tornado who was being controlled by the power of The Starheart.