Corben Wallace

Corben Wallace

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Corben Wallace was diagnosed with a rare childhood illness which rendered him blind by age 12. His father, Erasthmus Wallace, was a cleric of the Theian Preselenic archives. He begged the head of his order to allow Corben to be fitted with the artificial eyes reserved for clerics. The operation was allowed under the strict condition that when Corben came of age, he would be admitted into the order and become a cleric himself.

Entrusted with this quest, Corben broke rank, enlisted his best friend and daughter, stole a museum relic, and headed into the Cadians to see what secrets lay beneath its shifting sands.Corben was raised and tutored by Erasthmus. His quarters had a clear view of the sky and looked out towards the Cadian desert to the south. He taught Corben how to use the bionic eyes, but more importantly, trained him to be observant of the world around him. His influence on Corben was strong. On his deathbed, Erasthmus revealed a secret to Corben, and passed on a special book he had stolen from the archives long before Corben was born. It was known as the Tome of Thanatos. A mysterious book full of charts and riddles which in itself held no real secrets, but which Erasthmus suspected was a part of a larger mystery. He begged Corben to complete the quest and discover its meaning. The fate of the world may well have depended on it.

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