Cosette Lafarge

Cosette Lafarge is the daughter of Professor Lafarge and when she was a kid she was taken hostage by Victor von Doom in order to get her father to work of missile silo’s for him. She was eventually able to flee Latveria thanks to the resistance within the country.

Later she along with a handful of other people were protesting the Latverian Embassy being in New York. The protest got violent and led to Cosette getting injured, luckily Dr. Donald Blake was there to assist her. Cosette told him of her predicament with Doom and her father which led Blake to tell her that he’d get Thor to assist her.

Thor went into Latveria to save Professor Lafarge but in reality he didn’t care for his daughter and simply assisted Doom for the money. Upon Thor’s return he bent the truth to Corsette, simply stating that he died doing what he loved and that she was the last thing he spoke of.