

Crucifer was a vampire of the Tenth Circle and one of the vampires who attacked the Amazons in ancient times. He, along with the other vampires of the Tenth Circe, was defeated by the Amazons. Crucifer was somehow able to escape being imprisoned like the other vampires, he also was able to somehow store his heart in an alternate dimension of some sort. In the modern age he was able to forcefully recruit, Vortex, Nudge, and Grunt to help him in releasing his fellow vampires into metahuman hosts. He was able to hypnotize Superman via biting him and he tried to turn Faith into a vampire. He also stabbed Wonder Woman with a sword. After his plan was foiled in a large battle he fled to his castle where he tried to kill a disguised Martian Manhunter. The Martian’s blood poisoned him and he was killed when his heart was returned to his body and Superman punched straight though his chest.

Powers & Abilities

Crucifer seemed to have most powers associated with vampires, but he was also(for a time) immune to being stabbed though the heart(or where his heart should have been).