
Victor Stone is the son of Silas and Elinore Stone, two STAR Labs scientists intent on using their research to improve mankind. Silas and Elinore scientific adventures often estranged their son, as they would sometime dedicate more time and toward their work, oppose to him. The two even used their son as a test subject for intelligence-boosting experimentation. While the successful experiment granted Victor a genius-level intellect, he resented his parents for treating him more like a lab subject oppose to a son.
Vic’s resentment caused him to steer away from science and math in high school. Instead, he pursued an interest in athletics, much to his father’s disdain. His life changed profoundly during a visit to STAR Labs to meet up with his parents, who were busy conducting inter-dimensional experiments. The experiment accidentally allowed a protoplasmic creature into the lab. Silas managed to return the creature to its home dimension, but not before it had slain Elinore and severely injured Victor. Desperate to save his son’s life, Silas used untested cybernetic enhancements to rebuild and reconstruct Victor’s body. He succeeded, but didn’t anticipate Victor’s horror and anger at what he had done.
Cyborg was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez
Character Evolution
Pre-Flashpoint: Modern Age

The reaction of others to his new form made Vic even more resentful, and he isolated himself from his former life as much as possible by moving to Hell’s Kitchen. It was in this bad neighborhood that Raven found Vic and invited him to join the Teen Titans. After the team formed, Vic found a place where he was accepted and appreciated, despite his inhuman appearance. His father, still feeling guilt over what he made his son go through, constructed the Titan’s Tower for his son and his companions. Victor would remain a steadfast member of the Titans for a long time, serving not only as a hero but as a primary supplemental tech source for the team.
Post-Flashpoint (New 52)

After the events of Flashpoint, DC Comics relaunched their entire comic catalog. In this continuity, Cyborg is now one of the seven founding members of the Justice League (replacing the Martian Manhunter), having never served with Teen Titan. He makes his first appearance in Justice League #1 but not as part of the team. In fact, he’s a high school football player who hasn’t even become “Cyborg” yet. After the Darkseid invasion, Victor was gravely injured and later cybernetically enhanced by his father.
Due to the events of Forever Evil, Cyborg gets an upgraded armor that appears to be much slimmer.
Major Story Arcs
Cyberion (Pre-Flashpoint)
Tragedy struck when the Wildebeest Society captured the Titans and more shocking that the leader of the group was their teammate Jericho. Vic was launched in a rocket along with several members and crashed landed in Russia where he was seriously injured and damaged. The Russian scientists with the help of Red Star rebuilt Vic but due to such heavy brain trauma he had become no more than a walking robot with a human appearance. After several months, Vic’s mind started to regain his memories but when the race known as the Technis came to Earth looking for a way to integrate with society and save their race. Cyborg sacrificed himself for both the Earth and the Technis was was rebuilt into Cyberion.
Cyberion became their protector as they traveled throughout the galaxy. Some time later, Cyberion was reunited with his former teammates and engaged in an interstellar conflict which resulted in the destruction of Tamaran. But there was triumph to be found in tragedy: The Titans were able to restore Raven – who was reborn in a golden spirit form. Following that, Raven, Minion and Garfield Logan elected to remain in space as traveling companions to Cyberion. Frightened by Cyberion’s total embrace of technology, Gar left his friend and returned to earth. Jarras Minion also had doubts about Cyberion’s new attitude and decided to leave as well. Jarras, a sworn pacifist, made Victor a gift of his Omegadrome war suit before he left. The Omegadrome allowed Victor to try to carry out his Technis Imperative: To recreate the planet Technis at all costs.
Cyborg’s New Body
Having collected a planet-size assortment of technological debris, Cyberion journeyed to Earth to turn its moon into a new Technis world and populate it with his Titans allies. The JLA and the Titans first clashed, then united, to prevent Cyberion from destroying the planet while saving Vic’s soul and downloading it into Minion’s morphing battlesuit, the Omegadrome. Vic was later offered a human body if he would help Vandal Savage harvest Addie Kane‘s immortal blood. Before he could make a decision, Starfire destroyed Addie’s body, thus robbing Vic of the chance to make a choice. Also, Vic had to remain a member of the team, per a deal that Nightwing made with Batman.
Following the events of his Technis Imperative, the JLA only trusted Vic to remain free if the Titans kept a watchful eye on him. Feeling like he owed his old friend a debt, Nightwing worked constantly to find a cure for Vic’s condition. With Jesse Quick’s help, Victor was given a new lease on organic life with a body cloned from cell samples harvested by the Russian scientists who once spared him.
Though his mind and cybernetic abilities were still encapsulated in the Omegadrome, Victor inhabited a truly biological body. And for the first time in years, Cyborg knew what it is to live and feel and breathe unaided by mechanized parts. Embarking on a new life, Victor Stone left the Titans for the West Coast. Vic Stone later aided the Flash during the “Our Worlds At War” crisis. At that time, Vic started using the golden Omegadrome to morph into a cybernetic form. Cyborg decided to return to adventuring and settled in Keystone City, home of the Flash. But when Vic Stone linked with the evil computerized Thinker in an attempt to stop him from taking over the city, his body became mechanically paralyzed – reverting him to his silver cyborg form.
All-New Teen Titans

Shortly afterward, a mysterious android from the future known as Indigo attacked the Titans and Young Justice , resulting in the apparent deaths of Troia and Omen. At Troia’s funeral, Nightwing disbanded this version of the Titans. Meanwhile, members of Young Justice, especially Wonder Girl, felt responsible for the tragic deaths. This led Wonder Girl, Robin, Impulse and Superboy to form a new group of Teen Titans under the guidance of the more experienced Cyborg, Starfire and Beast Boy.
Cyborg, who was damaged in the battle caused by Indigo, has since received an upgrade in his cybernetic parts. He would experience the formation and reformation of the Titans multiple times, mentoring some versions of the team and even starting a short-lived team of his own. But he would always return to the companionship of his original Titans teammates, even to the extent of joining several of them in the Justice League of America.
After the Infinite Crisis Cyborg was fused to Firestorm and entered into a coma. When he finally woke up, he learned that the Teen Titans had dramatically changed. Wonder Girl, Speedy, Kid Flash, Raven, and Beast Boy had left the team; Starfire was lost in space; and Superboy was dead. Along with Robin, Kid Devil, Ravager, and Wonder Girl (who had just rejoined) he started a quest for Raven.
Post-Flashpoint: Earth-0
A Hero Is Born (Post-Flashpoint)

Vic Stone is a star wide receiver for the Ford Titans, a high school football team. He has an interest in super human activities but is more focused on going to college, earning a football scholarship, and hoping his father makes it to his games. Vic and his father have a distant relationship and after missing several games, Victor finally ventures to S.T.A.R Labs to confront him. Silas tells his son that given the current state of metahumans starting to show up around the planet, Vic’s love for football is going to become irrelevant at some point. Discouraged, Victor begins to leave when everything takes a tragic turn, as a Mother Box unit springs to life and opens a Boom Tube. Victor and several scientists are fatally injured or killed by the boom tube energy.
Not intending to lose his son the same way he lost his wife, Silas outfits Vic with experimental bionics that have been reverse engineered from alien technology found around the globe. With aid from T.O. Morrow and Sarah Charles, Vic’s life is saved and the energies from the motherbox are incorporated into his new form as Cyborg. This allows Victor to access the vast New Gods data library and discover Darkseid‘s true invasion plans. After aiding in sending Darkseid back where he came from, Cyborg helps to found the Justice League. He has not begun any process of reconciliation with his father, who is primarily concerned with Victor’s mechanics rather than his humanity.
After the villain David Graves makes an attack against the Justice League, Cyborg and his team mates travel to the valley of souls. There he learns that he walks the line between life and death–meaning that part of his soul has left his body. He sees a false apparition of his human self that tries to convince him that Victor Stone is dead and Cyborg is just an imitation. Victor quickly sees past this ruse, and he and the rest of the Justice League defeat Graves. The situation lead to Vic embracing who he has become, not a young man who has lost his humanity, but a man who has learned to be a hero through shocking means. Allowing Vic to start to forgive his father, as he knows his father was just trying to save his life.
Throne of Atlantis
To help retrieve Superman and Wonder Woman from the depths of the ocean floor, Victor upgraded his suit to have an Environmental Mode that allows him to operate underwater. He then commenced a world wide League recruitment initiate to combat the Atlanteans hostiles
Trinity War

At the conclusion of the Trinity War, all of Victor’s cybernetics were brutally ripped from his body as Grid, a software virus deeply embedded into Victor’s cybernetics, revealed itself. The virus was planted by Atomica to help the Crime Syndicate of America. Atomica told Cyborg about what she did the Justice League and Justice League of America/ She also told him that she was the one that poisoned Superman and put the green Kryptonite in his nervous system where she trigger his heat vision, which killed Dr. Light. Cyborg was upset to hear this happening and all of a sudden she told Cyborg that he also betrayed the Justice League and it was Grid that was in his body. Cyborg body turned in to him as the Justice League and Justice League of America watched in horror and where all in shock to see this happening and that the Crime Syndicate of America was taking over the world they where from Earth 3. Atomica was a spy on both teams and she had all their plans. She was planning for the CSA to come and attack the various Justice Leagues.
Forever Evil
Cyborg is kept alive with the help of Simon Baz and Batman. Batman and Catwoman manage to escape and bring along Cyborg to S.T.A.R. Labs to get the help of Victor’s father Silas. Silas is initially reluctant to turn his son back to Cyborg once again for fear of hurting him but Victor pushes him to do so saying that this time it is his choice and he must help stop the Crime Syndicate. Cyborg is given an upgraded more slimmer armor. Cyborg goes to enlist the help of Doctor Will Magnus so that he can revive the Metal Men and fight the Crime Syndicate.

Magnus is also initially unwilling to revive the Metal Men as they were deemed failures the first time, but Cyborg convinces him to do so. The team is once again brought together and they join Cyborg in an attempt to fight. Cyborg directly confronts Grid while the Metal Men help fight the Secret Society members that were with him. Cyborg and Grid both enter the digital world where they do battle with each other. Grid initially appears to have the upper hand in the battle attempting to exploit Cyborg’s human side. However, Cyborg states that he has embraced his tech side and that he is the bridge between human and tech. He manages to shut down Grid and goes into the fallen watchtower where he helps Batman use Wonder Woman’s lasso to free the Justice League teams from the Firestorm matrix.
Powers and Abilities
Cyborg possesses cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance and durability. Cyborg can also interface with computers. Built into his body-armor were an infrared eye, computer generator, sound amplifier, and special programming adapters that allowed him to interface with other body extensions.
Shape-Change: Cyborg has virtually unlimited shape-changing abilities that allow him to mimic road, air or space vehicles and even reshape his entire body or parts of it to form such complex shapes such as a tank.

Superhuman Strength: At optimal capacity, Vic can lift/press in excess of four metric tons. If he pushes himself, he can even exceed five tons, but not without causing severe stress to his cybernetic components. Recently Victor breaks apart Kalibak’s Chaos Cannon used to destroy planets.
Superhuman Speed/Agility: He possesses a degree of superspeed.
- Jump Jets: As his request Dr. Silas Stone installed Jump Jets so that wouldn’t be so dependent of Boom Tubes. Apparently the Jump Jets provides the ability to super-jump across the state lines.
Sensor Systems/superhuman Senses:. Due cybernetic enhancements their five senses were increased to superhuman levels.
- Super hearing
- Microscopic Vision
- X-Ray Vision
- Night Vision
- Target/Tracking Systems
- Physiological/Medical Scanners
Superhuman Stamina: Victor doesn’t need to sleep,eat or drink. Adding the Environmental Mode (that replaced his last lung) no longer has the need to breathe, and can operate in any area that has no oxygen in space or as in underwater.
Superhuman Durability: The nature of Cyborg’s body provides offers protection against physical and energy attacks,being able to withstand the pressures of the deepest parts of the oceans.
Computer Interfacing: Cyborg is connected with all Earth’s computers and satellites including government agencies, secret service (CIA,MI-6…) and even the Batcomputer.

- The Grid: Alongside Batman created a program to prevent himself from being distracted while on duty, because he is constantly bombarded with endless influx data streaming into his system and that program selectively focus on high-priority items and filter out other received data,which helps him to create a complete database of every metahuman/superhuman on Earth.
- Cyberverse/Digitalverse connection

Technopathy: Since is linked with Earth’s computers and satellites Victor can control any type of technology that have connection with the Internet as well control any form of electronic communication,allowing it to manipulate data or rearrange security privileges. Recently demonstrated the ability to hear Brainiac’s drones communicating with each other.
- Technomorphing: He doesn’t just command technology,but is also capable to incorporates them into himself as did with Red Room’s technology and a Motherbox,where did came most of their weapons. Recently their systems suffered serious damage after the explosion of the Watchtower and to repair himself used technology from a escape pod.
Teleportation – Cyborg can use Boom Tubes to transport himself and the League to anywhere n Earth and in the Universe,since is stated Darkseid use it to cross dimensions,however one out of every thousand ‘jumps’ results in transporting himself and whoever is with him to Apokolips. Recently installed a silent mode to not be noticed by others,not even Superman couldn’t note him coming.
Integrated Weapons: He had various types of weapons integrated into his cybernetic parts.

- White Sound Disruptor: The Sound Disruptor or White Noise Canon fires focused sound blasts powerful enough to vaporize a Parademons group,blown up portion of a building and affect spirits. The canon has been able to reach 300 decibels and theorically can exceed this limit.
- Sonic Emmiter: Beyond the sonic cannon also has a sonic emitter that allows to mimic and generate any sounds he desires,may run voices through his systems to make real-time translation and even generate ultrasonic sound attacks.
- Ice Beam
- Energy Cannon/Energy Gun:
- EMP Pulse: It may incapacitate any technology (that’s not shielded against such attack) in a distance of 50 meters away. T.O. Morrow nicknamed it as a Heart Attack.
Character Profile
- Height: 6′ 6″
- Weight: 385 lbs.
- Hair: Black
- Eyes: Brown
- Citizenship: American
- Occupation: Adventurer
- Relatives: Silas Stone (father), Elinore Stone (mother, deceased)
- Base of Operations: Justice League Watchtower
Other Version

When Reverse Flash goes back in time and supposelly messes with the timeline, the DC Universe turns into a very different place where the world’s greatest heroes are not how we know them to be. In this timeline Cyborg is America’s greatest hero, and he is based in Detroit where he has his headquarters. When the Amazons and the Atlanteans go to war, Cyborg tries to gather a group of Earth’s superhumans to help stop the war that has ravaged half of Europe. No one joins his group when they find that Batman (Thomas Wayne) has no interest. But before long Barry Allen arrives and convinces Wayne otherwise, and the three set off to gather an army.
Other Media
Live-Action Film
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
Stage actor Ray Fisher portrays the character in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film. In a brief cameo, Victor’s mangled body is shown being bonded with a Mother Box during one of his father’s experiments.
Justice League

Ray Fisher reprises his role in the live-action Justice League movie. This movie is directed by Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon, who served as the post-production director of this movie after Snyder stepped down from directing duties. This movie was released on November 17th, 2017.
In this film, Cyborg initially refuses to join the team, though after his father, Silas Stone, is captured, he voluntarily pitches in. He successfully saves his father from the hands of Steppenwolf, and escapes from the water tower from which he resided in. When Superman returned, his offense system kicked in and attacked Superman, which triggered the Man of Steel to fight the League.
Cyborg also played a crucial role in the final act, where he began to separate the Mother Boxes that had formed “The Unity”. With the help of Superman, he succeeded.
Cyborg has a substantially larger role in the director’s cut, Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which delves deeper into his backstory and his strained relationship with his father.
Animated Film
Justice League: Doom

Cyborg appears in Justice League: Doom in a major role. The film marks the first time Cyborg has been portrayed as a member of the Justice League in any non-comic form of media. He is voiced by Bumper Robinson. In the film, Cyborg first appears after Batman asks for his help in discovering how the Royal Flush Gang are pulling off a series of impossible heists. Cyborg later rescues Wonder Woman after she is poisoned by Cheetah, and ends up being brought along during the subsequent attempt to rescue the other JLA members. After saving Superman from a Kryptonite bullet, Cyborg helps the Justice League during the final battle against Vandal Savage and his Legion of Doom. After the League saves the Earth from a massive solar flare, Cyborg is officially inducted into the Justice League as the team’s newest member.
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

Cyborg appears in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, an adaptation of Flashpoint. In the film, Cyborg is a member of the League. In the alternate timeline the bulk of the film takes place in, he is depicted as the world’s top hero, since Kal-El never became Superman and most of the rest of the League never came to resemble their classic forms.
He was voiced by Michael B. Jordan.
JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time
Cyborg appears in JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time, voiced by Avery Kidd Waddell.
Justice League: War

In Justice League: War, based off of the New 52 Justice League Origins comic book by Geoff Johns, Cyborg appears as one of the founding members of the Justice League in light of the invasion of Darkseid. Victor Stone was originally a talented high school football quarterback but has a troubled relationship with his father Silas due to his father’s lack of support for his football playing career. In frustration, Cyborg grabs one of the boom tubes asking whether his work is more important than his own son. The boom tubes suddenly activate at that moment and engulfs Victor. In a last ditch effort to save his son’s life, Silas grafts technology from the red room and successfully saves his son’s life but at the cost of making him a Cyborg at the same time. Cyborg helps the rest of the Justice League in battling Darkseid and his Parademons, with Cyborg having access to almost any technological interface he is able to open up the boom tubes to send them back to Apokolips. At the end of the film, the newly formed Justice League team is introduced to the world and Cyborg seems to have embraced his new role more as he sees his father nod in approval. Cyborg was voiced by Shemar Moore.
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis
Cyborg appears alongside his Justice League teammates in the sequel to Justice League: War, titled: Justice League: Throne of Atlantis. The film is based off of the New 52 comic book story line of the same name and was released in 2015. Shemar Moore reprised his role.
Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem
Cyborg appears in Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem, voiced by Khary Payton.
Justice League Vs. Teen Titans
Cyborg appears in Justice League vs. Teen Titans, with Shemar Moore once again reprising his role. In the film, it’s shown that he relates more closely to the Titans, as they are closer in age to him.
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
Shemar Moore reprises his role for a final time in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. At the close of the film, Cyborg sacrifices himself to destroy .
Super Friends – The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians

Cyborg appeared in The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians from 1985 to 1986. He was voiced by Ernie Hudson. Cyborg’s origin was told via a medical journal read by Dr. Martin Stein saying Cyborg was a promising decathlon athlete until an accident destroyed most of his body and his father replaced part of his body with machine parts. Also, he is not a Titan. He becomes fast friends with fellow teammate Firestorm. He is an affiliate of the Justice League of America under Superman. In the introductory episode to Cyborg, “The Seeds of Doom”, Cyborg’s abilities save Earth from Darkseid’s seeds, but as Superman warns, make Darkseid a dangerous enemy to Cyborg, so Cyborg joins the League.
Teen Titans

Cyborg appears in the Teen Titans animated series, voiced by Khary Payton. This version of Cyborg is very similar to his comic book counterpart. His nickname is “Cy”, and like his teammates, in the animated series Cyborg is never referred to by his given name; however, he does take the alias “Stone” (based on his real last name) in the Season 3 episode “Deception”. The two main differences are his design and that he is more easygoing than his comics counterpart. His head is considerably more rounded and bald (based on his Titans Hunt counterpart), and his mechanical parts are bulkier. His primary weapon is a sonic cannon housed in his forearm; initially he uses only his right arm to fire, but later episodes reveal that his left arm has an identical cannon built into it as well. Other on-board weapons and tools, such as an acetylene torch, a remote-operated video camera, and several missile launchers, can be deployed as needed, and his arms and legs are detachable.
Cyborg is the Titans’ chief technician and gadgeteer. He is responsible for the construction of the Titan Tower’s electronic and security systems and the team’s main vehicles, the T-Car and the T-Ship. His most dominant personality faults featured in the series are his enormous appetite and a tendency to be overly vain about his work as a result, he fosters a special dislike for those who abuse his devices irresponsibly, especially Gizmo and Brother Blood. On occasion, Cyborg acts as the team’s second-in-command, but he tends to butt heads with Robin on rather trivial matters. In “Cyborg the Barbarian”, he was sent back to 3,000 B.C. There, he met a woman named Sarasim and fell in love with her. The relationship ended when Cyborg was brought back to his own time.
Cyborg’s age is never specified, but he mentions in “Deception” that he never had a chance to finish high school due to circumstances that made him what he is. The only time Cyborg’s personal history has been discussed is in “Deception”, in which he discusses his involuntary cyborg status with Starfire, and in the 4th season episode “The End: Part 2”. In this episode, Trigon creates duplicates of Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy. These duplicates reflect the dark side of each character. During the fight between Cyborg and his duplicate, the dark duplicate says harmful things about Cyborg’s mother and her death.

Cyborg appeared in the 15th episode of the fifth season of Smallville on the 16th February 2006 and is played by Lee Thompson Young. In this version, Victor is a former Metropolis High School football star. He is involved in a car accident that kills him, supposedly, and the rest of his family. However, he is secretly rebuilt by Cyntechnics scientists including Dr. Alistair Krieg, who experimented on a group of test subjects. Victor was the only test subject to survive the experiments. Cyntechnics was bought up by LuthorCorp shortly before Victor’s escape. Lex denies any knowledge of Cyntechnics’ secretive activities.
Although Victor’s cybernetic enhancements are entirely on the inside [under his skin] instead of exoskeletal as they are in the comics and other media, a shot of Clark Kent’s X-ray vision reveals that Victor’s cranial armor covers the same-shaped area as it does in the comics. He also bleeds a dark fluid as he does in the comics. Smallville never uses the name “Cyborg” in his first appearance. Instead, Victor refers to his enhancements as bionic.
Lee Thompson Young reprises his role of Cyborg in the season 6 episode “Justice”, episode about Green Arrow gathering together a group of individuals to combat Lex Luthor and his experiments. The episode premiered on 18 January 2007. In this episode, Victor has finally taken the name “Cyborg”, as Green Arrow’s team uses code names. Also on the team are Aquaman and Impulse. While Victor was last seen with a girlfriend named Katherine, he explains that his mechanical parts put a strain on the relationship. After their eventual break up, Victor states that it was Green Arrow who kept him from committing suicide. The episode also shows Cyborg wearing a stylized silver vest and black pants, and utilizing further enhancements Green Arrow gave him. One of his new functions allows him to hack into and disable security systems. While connecting to machines, Cyborg’s left eye glows red.
Teen Titans Go!

Cyborg appears as a member of the Teen Titans in this more humorous take on the DC Universe. Khary Payton reprises his role.
Justice League Action

Cyborg appears in the series as a member of the Justice League, with Khary Payton reprising his role.
Young Justice: Outsiders

Cyborg appears as a central character in the third season, voiced by Zeno Robinson. He is initially introduced as a promising high school football star from Detroit and the son of scientist Silas Stone. His relationship with his father is strained due to Silas’ disinterest in Victor’s football games. When Silas skips an important game and doesn’t even bother to leave a message, an angry Victor shows up at S.T.A.R. Labs to chastise his father. During the argument, an accident occurred at the lab, badly wounding Victor. Desperate to save his son’s life, Silas attaches an Apokoliptian Father Box to the boy’s body, transforming him into Cyborg.
Now feeling like a freak, Cyborg retreats from the world and shuns his dad. He is eventually taken in by the heroes and becomes a member of the Outsiders. The Father Box controls Victor and nearly causes him to kill Halo, but Halo is able to purge the sentient machine’s influence from his body. During his time with the team, Victor also becomes friends with Forager, another outcast with an odd appearance.
Doom Patrol

Cyborg appears as a main character in the series, played by Joivan Wade. He is Justice League hopeful thanks to his cybernetic enhancements, and is already a fairly well-known superhero. After Victor was accidentally maimed in a lab accident that killed his mother, his father, Silas, rebuilt him with help from the scientist Niles Caulder, the leader of the Doom Patrol. When Niles goes missing, Victor shows up to the Doom Patrol’s mansion to investigate. He soon becomes a member of the team as they try to track down Niles and bring him home. As the first season progresses, Mr. Nobody takes an interest in Cyborg, and begins taunting him with hints that his origin story may be a lie. When Cyborg is captured by the Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and taken to the Ant Farm, Silas and the rest of the Doom Patrol go to rescue him. However, Mr. Nobody tricks Cyborg into attacking Silas, nearly killing him in the process.
When Silas is hospitalized, he reveals that he edited Victor’s memory to hide the truth of what really happened. It turns out that the accident that Victor caused didn’t immediately kill his mother, and, that when faced with the horrible choice of saving his wife or his son, Silas chose to save Victor. He altered Victor’s memories to cause him to think that his mother had immediately been killed in the explosion, causing Victor to blame himself for his mother’s death. Victor is enraged upon learning this, and storms out.
DC Super Hero Girls
Cyborg appears in the episode “#TweenTitans” as a member of the Tween Titans, the team of rowdy children led by Robin. He was voiced by Phil LaMarr.
Video Games
Lego Batman 2

Cyborg appears as a playable character in Lego Batman 2. He has a laser eye and the ability to pull magnetic legos.
Injustice: Gods Among Us

Cyborg appears as a playable character in the game. He appears to be a combination of a power/gadget character in game.
Injustice 2

Cyborg returns in Injustice 2, with Khary Payton reprising his role.

- Cyborg appeared in Kenner’s Super Powers Collection line, making him one of the earliest black superheroes to get his own action figure.
- Cyborg received multiple figures in the Teen Titans animated series line from Bandai.
- DC Direct released a Cyborg figure based on his Flashpoint design.
- DC Direct released a Cyborg figure for the DC Universe Online video game.
- Cyborg has been featured in several Lego kits.
- DC Collectibles released a Cyborg figure based on his Injustice: Gods Among Us Design as part of a two-pack with Harley Quinn.
- DC Collectibles released a Cyborg figure based on his New 52 design.
- DC Collectibles later released a Cyborg figure from Justice League: War.
- DC Collectibles also released a Cyborg feature for the DC Icons line.
- Cyborg was featured in Mattel’s toy line for the Batman Unlimited animated films.
- Japanese company Square Enix released a Cyborg figure for the Play Arts Kai line.
- The cartoon version of Cyborg was featured in the DC Multiverse line from McFarlane Toys. A later version based on Ray Fisher’s portrayal of the character in Zack Snyder’s Justice League was also released.