Jonah was turned into a cyborg by the Clan of the Quiet Palace, a group of ninja led by a warlord known as Kuroda-san. They were also responsible for killing his lover Maggie.
Cybrid went rogue and teamed up with Preacher John in an attempt to learn his blurred past. Soon, both the Clan and the criminal organization Cynosure were after him. He ran to a local church where he met Avengelyne who helped him thwart his attackers. He was then challenged by one of the ninjas to a ritual known as the Master of Tengu’s Den, which would strip him of his emotions and make him the ultimate assassin. To lure him they kidnapped John.
He and Avengelyne walked into the trap where they tried to use Preacher John as the test. In battle, they tried to get Cybrid to kill John but in the end he chose to end his life rather than kill his friend. The choice turned him from passing the ritual and he and Avengelyne were able to rescue John and escape.