As a child, Cyrene was a close friend of Carter Shaw, and the two would often go skinny-dipping in the ship’s Aquatic Plantation.
Cyrene met with Carter as the crew voted for a new captain, and expressed to him her distaste at how the Pathfinders had been kept away from the rest of Seeker 3000’s population in the Dead Zones. She was disappointed when Jericho Shaw was voted as the ship’s new captain.
Cyrene later joined Vaun Lysander and Carter on a mission to explore the Calver Fermion Theta Cluster on a terraforming mission. They encountered Jakarah, the vessel of the Hkkkt, and Cyrene was alarmed at what she sensed telepathically from the ship. Cyrene was nearly driven mad by the hateful thoughts she encountered and had Carter and Vaun get them away from Jakarah, but the Hkkkt shot their mule as it fled into an asteroid field.
Cyrene and the others were rescued by the Medusae, an alien race preyed upon by the Hkkkt. The Medusae Lhasa made telepathic contact with Cyrene, learning English from her. Lhasa resolved to aid them against the Hkkkt. Cyrene joined Carter, Vaun and the Medusae in battling the Hkkkt aboard Seeker 3000, and used her powers to fry the brain of a Hkkkt battling Vaun and Carter.
Cyrene joined with the other Pathfinders in joining her psychic powers to help them destroy the Hkkkt, at the cost of the Pathfinder Martika‘s life.