Deacon Brimstone


Abandoned in the sewers of Cleveland while still a fetus, Deacon Brimstone was raised by a horde of mutated rats. He uses his Church of the Dark Rat to plot the overthrow of mankind and the eventual world domination of ratkind.


Deacon Brimstone is created by Michael T. Gilbert.

Character Evolution

Deacon Brimstone once planned to taint Mr. Monster‘s water supply with unholy water, a chemical strong enough to burn the intestins of Mr. Monster. Deacon’s plan was for Mr. Monster to drink it, but unbeknownst to Deacon, Mr. Monster was doing the laundrey that instant. The unholy water reacted with the laundrey detergent, creating a bubble monster.

The fight against the bubble monster, weakened the floor foundation. Mr. Monster, just having defeated the bubble monster, crashed through the floor, encountering Deacon Brimstone underneath it. Deacon was able to escape in the sewer tunnels.