

Deathgiver first appeared in Incorruptible #6 after he sent a finger, belonging to Jailbait whom he had kidnapped in order to get Max Damage to come to him. Deathgiver had hoped to use Max to stop a group of racists called Diamond Gang.


Deathgiver was created by Mark Waid and Damian Couceiro

Powers & Abilities

Deathgiver possesses vast wealth as he specifies that the weapon he created to harm Max Damage costs a large sum for each battery that has one use and he has a super intellect, as the creation of such a weapon proves. He does not seem to possess super strength as he has to weaken Max to fight him but does possess some measure of endurance since he stood back up from a hit from Max with ease where others were knocked unconscious. Max has noted that he is a villain that gets information down to the last detail so that he can perfectly handle any situation but also is easily distracted.

Deathgiver weakening Max with a weapon he designed for that specific purpose
Deathgiver weakening Max with a weapon he designed for that specific purpose