The true origins of the man known as Deathwatch still remains a mystery besides the fact that he is from an extradimensional demonic race known as the Translords.
“I am Deathwatch. I am your death!”
Taking a special interest within humans by draining their dying life force thanks to group of worshippers and servants who sacrificed unwilling victims, Deathwatch eventually built enough strength to enter through the dimensional barrier and into the real world.
With the skill of a psychic surgeon, Deathwatch penetrates the victim’s skull with the fingers. Recent memories are absorbed.
Rewarding his servants by imbuing them with superhuman powers, these servants would blindly follow their new leader, as some of them would later become major threats themselves known as Snowblind, Hag, and Troll. He usually kills his servants when they failed him as penalty for their failure.
Deathwatch wanted only one thing, which was death and the life force that any dying victim would give and because of this Deathwatch and his followers started their very own criminal empire. Taking the role as a businessman named Stephen Lord, Deathwatch slowly became a feared crimelord who began climbing the ranks of the criminal underground through means of terrorism and death.
Character Creation
Deathwatch was created by Howard Mackie and Jarvier Saltares.
Character Evolution
Later on his old servants Hag and Troll would raise him back from the dead but he would be stopped by both Ghost Riders Ketch and Blaze as well as Spider-Man and to some limit Venom. Has Ghost Rider dragged him away, he was stopped by Centrious and Deathwatch was taken. He would later attack Ghost Rider during a mission where Ghost Rider tries to save Blaze. Ghost Rider torches Deathwatch and Deathwatch runs away in flames.
Recently Deathwatch is a member of the Hood’s gang.