

Defensor was a construction worker operating an excavating machine digging the foundation for an apartment building he found a hidden underground passageway that led to labyrinth of catacombs beneath. In one of the chambers he found a suit of armor resembling that of the Spanish Conquistadors of the Fourteenth Century. The armor is made of vibranium.


Defensor was created by Mark Gruenwald, Bill Mantlo, Steven Grant and John Romita Jr in 1982 and first appeared in Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions issue 1 (1982).

Major Story Arcs

The Contest Of Champions

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The Grandmaster and an individual called the Unknown challenged each other to the Game of Champions which was a tournament involving numerous heroes possessing superhuman powers. Defensor was teleported to a giant arena while he was fending off a paramilitary group in Argentina. Defensor is one of the twelve members selected on the Grandmaster’s team and the object of the contest is to battle members of the Unknown’s team to gather the most pieces of the Golden Globe of Life which was separated into four pieces. The game begins so Defensor, She-Hulk and Captain Britain would face off against Iron Man, Sabra and the Arabian Knight in a western ghost town. The team splits up and Defensor finds himself in a barroom brawl against Iron Man. His shield would repel Iron Man’s repulsor blast back at him but the golden Avenger eventually overpowers Defensor. Defensor is punched through a door and he crashes into his teammate Captain Britain. Both members are taken out and the Arabian Knight finds their piece of the golden globe for the Unknown’s team.


A villain named Zeitgeist went on a killing-spree, killing many South American superheroes. It was reported that Defensor was also killed by him. Luckily, Captain America managed to take out Zeitgeist and thus avenging Defensor’s death.

Personal Information

Physical Attributes

Height: 6′

Weight: 200 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black


Identity: Secret Identity

Occupation: Adventurer

Citizenship: Argentina

Place of Birth: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Education: High school graduate, Private tutoring in hand to hand combat, gymnastics

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: None Known

Powers & Abilities

Defensor wore a suit of durable yet light armor composed of vibranium which not only granted him with amazing protection from various forms of harm but also enhanced strength. He could lift about 2000 pounds while wearing the suit and had a good knowledge in hand-to-hand combat.


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Defensor would wear a combat suit composed of vibranium that can absorb all forms of energy and protected him from ballistic projectiles up to large anti-tank weaponry. Defensor carried a shield made of vibranium which was used for added protection and can be thrown for offensive assaults. He was an expert with his shield and can hit multiple targets while calculating difficult throws.