Disruptor (Smith)

Angelica was abandoned by her biological parents and found in a trash can. She was raised in the foster system and then adopted by a married couple. Angelica became jealous of her adoptive father’s affection for his wife so she broke his wife’s neck with her bare hands. She was sent to jail where it is presumed Clock King found her. The new Disruptor became a part of the Terror Titans and her suit was given to her by the new Clock King, who brought her in from a dilapidated group home, and with whom she is having a sexual relationship with. Recently, Ravager came onto the scene and has “disrupted” things in Angelica’s life. Rose, while not having sexual relations with Clock King, has successfully made The Disruptor extremely jealous. In one instance ( Terror Titans #2), she convinced the mind controlled TnTeena to try and kill Ravager in the Dark Side Tournament despite instructions not to. Clock King, in turn, became upset with Angelica. More or less, she seems to act like a jealous school girl with super powers.

Angelica continued to show her jealousy toward Ravager until finally, she attacked Rose herself (along with the other Terror Titans). However, she tried to kill Rose only to have Rose in turn kick her butt. When returned to Clock King’s layer, he explained to her that she was the only one of the Terror Titans that disobeyed his orders. He also mentioned that she was actually not related to the first Disruptor and ended up killing her.