Dodolas parents sold her to a middle aged man, when she was a little girl, to be his wife. The man taught her to read and write.
One day, bandits murdered the man, stole his some of his possessions, and kidnapped Dodola.
She was taken to their hiding place, where there were various other abducted humans. There she met Zam, who was a three year old boy at the time.
When she got the chance, she ran away with Zam. They traveled with a caravan (secretly), to the desert. There, Zam noticed an abandoned ship, in what they started to live in.
For nine years they lived there. Then they got separated from each other.
Dodola spent years in a harem,. She was the Sultans faforite, which didn`t stop him treating her badly.
Seh got pregnant. It was a dark time for her. She felt that she looked ugly.
When her child, Rajib, was born, she didn`t think of him as her child. Zam is his child. Zam wasn`t with her.
She started to use opium all the time. Three years, she spent in a dreamlike state. Then she quit. She started to take care for Rajib. He was killed soon.
Sultan then told Dodola that she would get her freedom if he could turn a vasefull of water in to gold. She did it psychologically. Sultan didn`t care for this. He had her killed.
She didn`t die, though. She was saved by Zam. She got ill, and almost died.
She pulled trough. She and Zam moved in to an empty skysrcaper in Wanatolia. Zam and her talked about things, that she wanted a child.
Eventually they had to move out. They rescued an orphan, and together as a family, went towards new adventures.
-Dodola gets her name form the goddess of rain.