Earthling is the cat companion of Joe. Equal parts friend and tool, he has exhibited a seemly endless arrey of abilities. He is also incrediblly intelligant, able to grasp complex concepts and preform dificult tasks with out Joe’s help.
To activate many of his abilites a special serum is required. Joe’s carried belts with syringes full of the serum to be ready for every occasion.
Some non-combat abilities we have witnessed;
- Turning into a grappeling hook.
- Acting as a flash light
- Turning into a wind-up skateboard
- Duplicate a key
- Produce a parachute to slow falls
- Preform an autopsy
Earthing is also a fiece fighter and his changing abilities give him amazing fighting skills. Some manuvers we have seen include:
- Turning into a ball and ramming opponants
- Breathing Fire
- Cutting 100s of objects in a multi-block area in half