

Ebon was created by Denys Cowan, Dwayne McDuffie and Christopher Simmons for the Static Shock animated series. His first comic appearance was in Static: Season One #6 – Episode Six: Shock to the System by Vita Ayala (W) and Nikolas Draper-Ivey (A)


Ivan was turned into a Bang Baby by Quantum Juice.

Shadow Form: Ebon is a transmorph, a living shadow with the ability to control shadows at will.

  • Shadow Swim: He can slide on walls, go through cracks, move through shadows as if it was liquid.
  • Darkness Manipulation: Manipulate darkness and shadows.
  • Intangibility: Can phase through matter to some degree
  • Shape Shifting: Ebon can also shape shift his physical body, capable of shaping himself in almost any way he desire, much like his brother, Rubberband Man. He has shown to regenerate himself,

Teleportation: Ebon can create inter-dimensional portals to teleport himself or others anywhere.

Telepathy: Ebon can reach into the minds of, and access the memories of others forcing one to see or feel their worst nightmares.

In Other Media

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Static Shock (DCAU)

Ebon was voiced by Gary Anthony Sturgis Static Shock.