

Eimin, twin sister to Uriel was born to Ichisumi and Archangel. Shortly after birth, she was stolen by Kang and taken to the future, being raised in the Kang Dynasty in a concentration camp.

Early in her life Kang took Eimin’s sight after she attempted to escape the camps, and due to this she remained loyal to her adoptive father through her childhood.


Eimin was created by Rick Remender in Uncanny X-Force: the Dark Angel Saga.

Powers & Abilities

Eimin is able to project a highly aggressive acid which has been augmented to burn through time itself, unhinging those struck by it from time and causing them to burn for a timeless eternity through an exponentially increasing intensity of pure agony.

Eimin can also see the future via Time-Space Synesthesia which allows her transform music into visions of the future

Eimin has bat-like wings which grants her flight.

Story Arcs

Ragnarok Now

Eimin and Uriel escaped from the future to save the mutants from the red onslaught,and to punish their adoptive father Kang by destroying the Earth.

By executing a Celestial with the enchanted axe Jarnbjorn and blaming it on humanity, the Celestials sent Existar the Executioner to destroy the Earth. While Existar began his destruction, Eimin and Uriel used Wanda (aka the Scarlet Witch) to use her powers to move the mutants from Earth to the safety of their ship.

Years later Eimin was seen to be on the ruling council of mutants along with (Cyclops, Storm, Nate Grey) on Planet X. After Havok destroyed the Tachyon dam, Kang came with a team he had assembled to save the Earth. Said the team then attack Eimin to save members of the Unity Squad (Wolverine and Sunfire) that she was secretly torturing, there Kang tells her that every thing she did was part of his plan. After her defeat the Unity Squad was sent to the past with a plan that undid the Apocalypse Twins’s scheme.

After Sunfire absorbed cosmic energy from Existar he blasted the Twins’s ships with them on it.

The Apocalypse Twins can be seen in the epilogue of Ragnarok now injured and carried away by their horsemen (Daken and Grim Reaper).

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