

Eldrac was a young Inhuman who was exposed to the Terrigan mists. The mists had a profound impact on the young Inhuman, since they had changed him into a human like teleportal. He no longer had the ability to speak or walk.


Eldrac the Door was created by Jonathan Hickman and Dale Eaglesham and first appeared in Fantastic Four Vol.1 issue 577 (2010). He is one of the most original characters since he is, in reality, a living door with no ability to speak or walk.

Major Story Arcs

Seeking Help

Eldrac before he could walk and after the fall of Attilan
Eldrac before he could walk and after the fall of Attilan

Eldrac knew he was important for the Inhumans and helped them on a number of ocassions. He however did not like his new life as an immobile speechless gateway. When the NuHuman known as Lineage started talking to him, he convinced Eldrac to help him teleport the royal family away from New Attilan, and in return he would receive a robot body, which would give him the abbility to walk once more. Eldrac accepted and send the Inhuman Royal Family and friends to a place where they where awaited by enemies. Lineage had followed through on his word and managed to make a robot body for Eldrac, causing him to walk again. As soon as he had the chance, Eldrac walked out on Lineage and found a quite place at the water near New York City. There, Eldrac, feeling remorse and coming to realize what he had done, opened up his portal again. He then put his own robot hands through the portal and grabbed the Inhuman royal family at the place he had left them. He took them through his portal once more and eventually returned them home safe to new Atillan. Eldrac remained by the waters he had run of to. Then, wanting nothing to do with Lineage anymore, he tore his own head lose from it’s robot body, causing Eldrac to fall on the ground near the waters where he had been standing only moments ago.