Emily Bright was born with the ability to conjure magic. Her parents were very scared and urged her to hide her gifts from the world. After she raised her dog from the dead, she wrote a letter to Doctor Strange to admit she was scared if she got magic wrong. This prompted her acceptance into the newly founded Strange Academy.
Emily made her first appearance in Strange Academy #1 by Skottie Young and Humberto Ramos.
Major Story Arcs
Relationship with Doyle Dormammu

It was apparent to many, including Doyle’s roommate, Iric Brorson, that Doyle Dormammu had a crush on fellow student, Emily. When Calvin Morse was taken prisoner by a magic cult known as The Hollow, Emily rounded up a posse of students to go save him. Doyle was eager to join. However, when they reached The Hollow, they immediately turned their attention to Doyle. They referred to him as “The One” and proceeded to kill him to feast on his power.
The students were ultimately saved by the academy’s staff, but they were too late to save Doyle. They tried their best to revive him, but only Emily was able to bring him back with a magical kiss. After that, the two of them started to date. Doyle would eventually return the favor when Emily’s innate magic became too much for her to handle, and he created a special ring from his crown to help her maintain her power levels. Unfortunately, its connection to the Dark Dimension had a bad side effect on Emily.
Despite the fact that their relationship was going well, Doyle was still too nervous to ask Emily to the academy’s first dance. She obviously said yes and lovingly teased him for his insecurity. However, the night of the dance, Calvin was expelled from the academy. Emily decided to comfort him rather than meet Doyle, who took it pretty hard.

In the next few days, Emily organizes a walkout protest, not just for Calvin, but for the casual way in which the faculty has treated the student body’s place in the cosmic game they have been playing. They teleported themselves to New York City and hid in the Sanctum Sanctorum, under Clea‘s nose. When Zelma and Voodoo finally catch up with them, Emily, in a fit of rage, opens a portal to the Dark Dimension, calling it their new home. Unfortunately, once they are there, Emily’s behavior becomes more and more erratic and was scared some of the students who had sided with her to return to the academy.
After losing so many classmate allies, Emily instead turned to Dormammu for help. He gave her the power she needed to raid the academy, appearing like a naturally born Faltine. While her forces fought the other students, she targeted Doyle directly, as the prophecy said. Iric shielded Doyle and took the brunt of Emily’s magic bolt and died. As a result, Doyle accepting his role as Dormammu’s son and absorbed the power from Emily, forcing her to retreat.
Magic: Emily has innate magical abilities, able to conjure without spells.
- Ring of Dread: She has a ring made from Doyle Dormammu’s crown to help regulate her overwhelming amount of energy,
Doyle’s Time Hop
When Doyle travels to an alternate future, he sees a showdown of adult Strange Academy students over a prophecy where either himself of Emily Bright would destroy the world while the other opposes them. Emily was leading the heroic side, covered in new magical glyph tattoos.