
The inquisitive teen known as Enigma has been both a friend and a foe to the Teen Titans. Also going by the moniker of the Riddler’s Daughter, Enigma first joined the Titans alongside Duela Dent, the Joker’s Daughter. Enigma’s tenure on the team was short, and she was later offered a place on Deathstroke’s Titans East alongside Duela. Enigma hoped to gain some recognition from her father by joining Titans East and taking down the Titans.

Enigma and Duela broke into Belle Reve Prison and disabled the security system, giving their teammates time to capture Titans Cyborg and Miss Martian. The two were put in charge of psychologically torturing Raven, when Duela turned on Enigma and punched her out. Enigma joined her teammates in bringing down the rest of the Titans when some of the older Titans joined the battle. Enigma was soundly defeated by Duela and Beast Boy.

Enigma later appeared alongside The Riddler, who claimed that she truly was his ‘daughter’, while fighting Batman. Soon after she was killed by Riddler as he reclaimed his villainous identity.