Erich Thonius


Erich Thonius was created for the series Son of Vulcan (2005) by Scott Beatty and Keron Grant. His name is a direct reference to a mythic character called Erichthonius who was the son of Hephaestus, god known by the romans as Vulcan.


The man called Erich Thonius was the last of a linage of champions dedicated to the hunt of white martians on Earth since the roman times. He was recruited as a Son of Vulcan by the previous incarnation of the mantle and later he became the holder of the title of Vulcan. As Vulcan, Erich concentrated his activity in the city known as Charlton’s Point. His activities where on low profile but enough to be know by the Justice League, as John Stewart revealed.

When the time to choose someone to train as the next Vulcan came, Erich choose young Miguel Devante. However the recruitment of Miguel happened in the middle of several confusing cirscunstances and Erich died in battle against a white martian, before he could pass his knowledge and full heritage to a confused Miguel, who received the powers but not the instruction on how to operate.