Ericus Aurivillius

Ericus Aurivillius

Ericus Aurivillius, born July 31, 1643 in Knutby, died February 5, 1702, was a Swedish lawyer and linguist, Uppsala University's rector. He published the first Swedish language teaching.
Ericus Aurivillius was the son of the Riksdagman and contractor Olaus Christophori Aurivillius and his wife Barbara Cassiopæa. He studied at Uppsala University, where in 1684 he became professor of Roman law. In the spring terms of 1691 and 1700 he was rector of Uppsala University; at that time, the office was held in the term by particularly prominent professors.
In 1684 he wrote the Grammaticæ svecanæ specimen, but it remained handwritten for two hundred years. It was not until 1884 that it was printed by G. Stjärnström. In 1693 he wrote the first phonetics of the Swedish language, which also contains spelling theory, Cogitationes de lingvæ Svionicæ.
He married in 1681 to Johannes Loccenius's daughter, Anna Loccenia.