Evil Cyborg Lethargic Lad
- Arch-frenemy of Lethargic Lad, the Lad of Steel, the Lad of Tomorrow and Little Green Boy
Brought Medieval Lethargic Lad, 853rd Century Lethargic Lad, Letharg-X, Viking Lethargic Lad, Ladfall Lethargic Lad, Lethargic Lad Blue and Lethargic Lad Red into the year 1999 using cyborg teleportation technology. Lethargic Lad #8
- Wore an alien symbiote and became Evil Snake Poison Lethargic Lad Lethargic Lad Special #2008
Founding member of The Real Dark Lethargic Lads Lethargic Lad #Special – Lethargic Lad 2009
- Creator of Little Green Cyborg Lethargic Lad #Special – Lethargic Lad 2009