
During the early months of the Clone Wars, Fay traveled to the planet Queyta with the Force guiding her, where she met Jedi masters Nico Diath, Jon Antilles, and Knol Ven’nari-loner Jedi like herself. It was with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who arrived late and told them that his mission was to find an antidote to a deadly swamp gas the Separatist were using in the war located at the factory. As they found the antidote, one by one the Jedi masters fell by the attacks the bounty hunter Durge and the dark Jedi Asajj Ventress, until it was only Obi-wan and her left. As they made their escape, Asajj stabbed Fay from behind. Before she died, Fay gave Obi-wan the strength needed to make it back to Coruscant with the antidote.
Back at the Jedi Temple, A monument was made for her and the fallen Jedi masters who died.