Feral was created by both Rob Liefield & Fabian Nicieza.
Character Evolution

Feral, was the ailuranthropic Mutant that went from being a member of the Morlocks while she lived/hid in the sewers, to that of one of the founding members of X-Force under the tutelage of Cable. An eventual defection to the bad side led to her joining the Mutant Liberation Front (M.L.F.). She would find the error in her ways, which led her rejoin the side of the “X”, along with her sister Thornn, becoming members of the X-Corporation. Ultimately, Feral was depowered due to the events of M-Day. In the end she would be killed, savagely slain by a mindless, animalistic Sabretooth.
Major Story Arcs
Home Sweet Home

Feral, (aka Maria Callasantos) had a shifty past splattered in blood. Prior to her emergence from the sewers, fleeing the underground society of the Morlocks, and landing at the X-mansion, she would encounter quite a bit in her youth. Many of those events shaped her into the woman that she would become.
Maria’s story starts in New York City, in a tenement that she called home. There she lived with her family: mother, father, and her siblings: Older sister Lucia (later revealed to be a mutant, taking the name Thornn), younger brother Matteo and younger sister Carolina. In appearance they seemed like a normal family, a little down on their luck but still together; this wouldn’t last very long. In Maria’s youth, prior to her mutation, her father began heavily abusing alcohol which led to him abuse his wife, Mrs. Callasantos. He would beat Maria’s mother regularly, then one day it stopped, not because he realized there was a problem – he simply grew tired of his surrounding and abandoned his family after the birth of Maria’s youngest sibling, Carolina. He left his wife and four children, without a second glance, not caring if they were going to be okay or not. Maria and her family would not hear of her father again, or even see him. That is until they were informed of the new thing he decided to abuse: drugs. Becoming a heavy user, Mr. Callasantos, was eventually found dead from a drug overdose.
Around this time, Maria’s burgeoning mutant gifts were already starting to manifest themselves. Not yet in the physical sense, like fur and her feline appearance, but internally. She began to notice differences in herself. Maria could smell things she couldn’t before, hear the smallest noises and her eyes could see in a way she was never able to do prior. Maria’s sister, Lucia, began to show signs of her mutation as well. Oddly though, her gifts were growing at a slower rate. Where she had just began to mutate at the age of 17, Maria at 15 was already far more advanced in her mutation. Maria’s changes began to occur mentally as well, even faster then her older sister’s. Unbeknownst to either sister the mutations they were encountering were classified as a “feral” mutation. “Feral” mutants, like Wolverine, Sabretooth, Maria and her sister have a harder time with their emotions. More instinctual, animalistic and primitive by design; for feral mutants, action and thought become one, rarely do they consider before they act. Feelings of anger would lead to feelings of rage. If unchecked this would then lead to a berserker enraged fury that was uncontrollable. In this state they are a different person and would do anything that that came to their mind, including hurting someone. Maria definitely noticed these internal changes, but was ill-equipped to deal them by herself. Emotions became a chore for Maria to deal with. Small things would occur resulting in Maria destroying anything in her eye sight. Mutants that are feral tend to give into their animal rage, having an “attack first, ask questions later” attitude. Though they can attempt to restrain that part of themselves, even the best of them give in to the animal inside. All these changes Maria was going through only made her home life harder. She was always arguing with her mom, and not getting along with her younger brother and sister. Surely she, too, would have fought with Lucia but she was dealing with her mutations differently. She would lock herself in a room by herself and not talk to anyone. The only real thing that made Maria happy was her pigeons. On the room of her tenement she had fairly large bird coop filled with pigeons. These were her pets, and only friends. Maria would stay up there for hours a day. This would be her only refuge as a child, though this refuge would only be temporary.

Maria became hyper-sensitive to her surroundings and the abandonment by her father and his death were hugely impacting her family, only making situations worse. Her mother struggled to pay bills; it was a constant battle just to maintain their meek living quarters. Maria wanted to fix the problem, but didn’t know how to. This made her constantly in an edgy state and made her very reactive in ways she had never been before. One such incident was when she began to blame her younger siblings for their father’s actions, and that they were the reason that their father abandoned them. In fits of rage she would yell at her siblings and destroy things in the house. This went on for weeks. Subsequently, while babysitting her siblings, Carolina fell down a large flight of stairs. The injuries that she sustained would lead to her death. Speculations are that Maria was behind this, murdering her little sister, but at the time nothing was ever proven. Her brother, Matteo, similarly had a death that was questionable. He was on the roof of the tenement his family lived in chasing pigeons around. While chasing them, he tripped and went over the edge of the building. He was able to hold on to the ledge for a short while, but eventually his grip released and he plummeted to his death. As with her sister’s death, Maria was babysitting. In this particular case, Maria was more of a witness to the death, rather than a participant in it. Like her sister’s death, it is unclear if Maria was involved in anyway. (Side note: As previously stated, Maria considered the pigeons to be her friends. She took care of them as a dog owner would do their dog, but even more so, since they were her only friends. As such, she was very protective of them. If anything, this further indicates her participation in at least one of her sibling’s deaths.)

As for Maria’s mother (Mrs. Callasantos), she would never win mother of the year, but she attempted to provide for her family, as best she could. After her husband left her she met a man named Harry Bellinger. He romanced Mrs. Callasantos, and she quickly fell in love and married him. Harry did a good job at hiding his flaws for he was both an alcoholic and a drug addict, using cocaine as often as possible. He introduced Mrs. Callasantos to both and unfortunately she, too, became addicted. Maria slowly saw her mother’s state deteriorate. Mrs. Callasantos was a changed woman; she cared less and less for anything in her life except for her drugs and alcohol. This would only make Maria grow angrier every day. Her anger only worsened and increased, her mutation helped it along. Maria’s sister Lucia was less reactive, because of her slowed mutation. All the turmoil came to head one day when Lucia (17 years old then) was attacked by Bellinger and he tried to rape her (it would later be revealed that both Feral and Thornn were both sexually abused by their step-father). Maria, now 15 years old, with her mutations nearly at their peak and more feral than ever, intervened. She stopped Bellinger, but nothing could stop her in return. Maria embraced all of her inner rage and ferociously attacked and killed him. His flesh and bones were mutilated by Maria, whose strength was superhumanly increased due to her mutant nature and bolstered by her berserker fury. The girls immediately took action and decided to hide the body. Lucia helped because Maria had helped her when she was going to be raped. Although she didn’t agree with the actions, she would never let her sister take a fall for someone like Harry Bellinger. They hid the body in the walls of the apartment that they lived in.
Though never revealed how, Maria’s mother was fully aware of what occurred. (Though even if she didn’t witness the murder, I’m sure it’s hard to hide a body in wall without someone finding out. The smell alone would be overwhelming) Mrs. Callasantos, though wasn’t the same caring mother Maria and Lucia once had. Nothing of that person was in Mrs. Callasantos anymore. The drug’s, that Harry introduced her to, had taken a huge toll on her affecting her mind. She cared not that her daughter, Lucia, was going to be raped by her husband. The only thing Mrs. Callasantos acknowledged was that Harry would no longer provide her with drugs. This infuriated her. Knowing that Maria had murdered Bellinger, Mrs. Callasantos took action and took from Maria some that would equally hurt her. Mrs. Callasantos went to the roof of the tenement and killed all of Maria’s pet pigeons in revenge. This action took Maria somewhere she has never been before. Maria never really had fully control over her feral nature to begin with, but she had never been more furious. Seized by hatred and rage, Maria succumbed to the raging beast inside her, once again, and went on a berserker rampage that would rival that of Wolverine or the Hulk. In a fit of rage and she wanted was revenge and only felt hatred for her mother. Maria attacked her mother and brutally killed her. She was only brought back from her rage when she realized what she had done. It was also hinted too, at this time, that she had purposely pushed their younger sister down the stairs, leading to her death, as well as allowed their younger brother to fall to his death from their roof. With so many deaths and only two living people, the girls knew they couldn’t stay. They left seeking a place to hide. The heard of an underground community of mutants that society did not accept. Thinking this was the right decision they headed for the sewers. In the sewers, Maria and Lucia lived amongst the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks.
Refuge In the Sewers
It was during the time with the Morlocks, that the girls mutations would fully finish. They would take on physical appearances that looked completely different from their prior look. The two sisters came to resemble humanoid animals; both taking on cat like appearances also growing tails. Trying to hide their past lives and looking physically different they figured it was the perfect time to erase the past entirely. It was then that they took on the codenames they would be more known as; Maria took the name “Feral,” (a name never fitted anyone better) and Lucia became known as “Thornn,” no longer would any know who they truly were. Even with the Morlocks, living in their community, the girls wouldn’t find peace. Eventually leaving due to he tyrannical leader of the Morlocks, Masque, and his malicious way. While attempting to escape the sewers, because they were unwilling to join Masque’s army, they were separated. Thornn went one direction, Feral the other. Thornn eventually fell in with the Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants that was organized by their then leader Toad, and joined his team. Feral, on the other hand, would head to the X-Mansion seeking refuge and encounter members of the New Mutants. After a brief introduction she was asked to become a member of the team. Feral decided to join their team. Their philosophies may be different, but she felt safe with them.

Feral agreed to join the New Mutants as they requested, but she in return asked for their help in taking down Masque. The team gladly aided their new team-mate. Successful in their mission, Feral felt that she made a good decision, even though she wasn’t very keen on being told what to do by anyone. This was a problem with Cannonball, leader, of the New Mutants, and would be an even greater problem in the future. Very soon after, the New Mutants transitioned from being a 2nd generation X-team learning to use their powers under the tutelage of Professor X, to the paramilitary-like soldiers-of-war, trained and led by the enigmatic Cable. Their name would change to X-Force. Feral, at first, liked the new team’s ways, lots of fighting, always on the move, it fit her well. With one exception, Cable ran a strict team. A no questions asked, type of person he was. He had a goal for the team and knew what he had to do to prepare them. It required lots of training and lots of following commands. He also selected two co-leaders for the team: Cannonball, who previously served as field leader of the team while they were the

New Mutants, and Siryn, daughter of Banshee she showed strong leadership capabilities. He expected the team to follow their leader as they would his. This only made it harder for Feral, as she now had 3 people she had to listen to, rather than one. In one incident the team was training in a sparring session. She was to take on Cannonball. She went from training and learning to viciously attacking Cannonball nearly eviscerating him. Later she had a run-in with Siryn as well. She had especially disliked Siryn, as with the male leaders, Feral would flirt her way out of most things, with Siryn it didn’t work. Feral was pushed and worked even harder, but she put up with it for a while though. Feral served a long tenure with X-Force, joining them in their inception and going on all their early adventures, including one that brought her into conflict with Lucia (her sister Thornn) and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. This came about when Masque’s Morlocks teamed up with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. This was also the first time she had seen her sister since they separated ways in the sewers. It reminded her of her past, something she hadn’t thought about in a long time. Though even on the team, not everything went perfectly. Feral’s naturally ferocious nature brought her into conflict with her teammates on many occasions. In some cases she would be doing battle, always with an all or nothing attitude, and would go way too far, nearly killing, but her team-mates would hold her back. Similar to her attack on Cannonball, Feral was prone to letting loose on her team. Feral, would have run-ins with anyone in the team that held a leadership role, including Cable, Siryn and as previous stated Cannonball. Many of her team-mates were very distrustful of her, and they would have no problem letting her know. She did though make some connections to member’s on the team, preferring those that had a similar vicious nature as her. Feral “played nice” (as she put it) with Warpath and definitely enjoyed Shatterstar‘s unrestrained fighting nature. Feral also made it very clear that she was attracted to Shatterstar, though nothing ever came of that. These connections wouldn’t stop her from her from what happens next.
The Defection

X-Force eventually came into conflict with the Mutant Liberation Front (MLF), a terrorist organization that had kidnapped the government official and anti-mutant activist Henry Gyrich. The MLF’s leader, Reignfire, being the trained strategist that he was convinced Feral to switch allegiances, playing up on her hatred of Gyrich and what he represented. It wasn’t hard for him. He knew X-Force wasn’t a perfect fit for her, and promised that he would never hold her back in a fight. Feral quickly accepted the offer and attacked Gyrich, but was stopped by Cable. He tried to reason with her but she was being egged on by Reignfire. Cable would shoot her, only wanting to stun and take her down. Effective in his attack he tried to apprehend her. Confronted by her ex-teammates and not knowing what to do, she decided to run and escaped with the MLF. Though the team was thrown off by her actions, none of them were really surprised. These actions would put the members of X-Force (her former friends and team-mates) and Feral at odds with each other.
Feral would reappear to confront her sister when she was captured by New York City police (NYPD). Cannonball was also present and he and Thornn (Feral’s sister) engaged Feral in battle. The goal was to try to agitate Feral to such an extent that it would force her to admit to the murders she had committed. Cannonball held himself back in the beginning not wanting to hurt her but noticed that Feral didn’t share that same regard. She was on a berserker fury that would rival Wolverine’s, and trying to kill him. Similarly, Cannonball went all out on Feral and easily subdued her. In the fray, Cannonball managed to have Feral admit her actions in the murder of Harry Bellinger and her three family members. Although Feral tried to fight her way out, she was defeated, arrested and sent to prison. It would seem that she finally was going to pay for her past transgressions.
The Legacy Virus
While Feral was in prison she was informed that she had contracted the, mutant killing, Legacy Virus. It was during this time the mutant Random would offer a proposal that she couldn’t refuse. He was gathering together a strike force of mutants, which he wanted to send on a mission for the one, and only Magneto. She accepted and was broken out and was sent to the group of mutants, Acolytes (over-zealous followers of Magneto). There she joined them and they informed her of the plan. They were to invade Wundagore Mountain , break into and steal the High Evolutionary‘s Isotope E. The strike force would also be informed that the item they were seeking out had the power to cure anyone of the Legacy Virus. This would sweeten the deal, as there were quite a few of the strike force member’s that were afflicted by the virus. The group of mutants advance assuming they would get “push-back”, they assumed wrong. When they began their attack they are rebuffed by the High Evolutionary’s personal army, the Knights Of Wundagore. The knights were a highly trained group of warriors. Their experience and fluid team work would easily overpower the ragtag strike force. With a win far from their reach, they instead retreated failing in their attempt. Not too long after, the team would find out that they were set up by Exodus. He wanted the Isotope E, though not to help the Legacy Virus affected mutants in the strike force, but for his own personal agenda. He sent the mutants so they would do the dirty work for him, and he would not be faulted for the actions. Feral would be very upset once she caught wind of this. In fact, Feral at this point was an uncovered raw nerve of fury looking for an outlet. All she needed was a direction, an individual by the name of King Bedlam would help her with that.
The NEW Hellions

Feral’s first attempt to find a cure was a miserable failure. She had begun to feel the effects of the virus more than ever, it even began to affect her mentally. Distraught from her illness she would accept King Bedlam‘s offer and resurface as a member of his New Hellions. Feral’s participation in the group would put her at odds once again with X-Force. Though this team would not last long, Feral would make sure her actions would. Feral would once again prove her bite is far worse than her bark. The New Hellions would attempt to steal, activate and control the cryogenically frozen Armageddon Man. He was to be used a bribery again the United States government to blackmail them and get a large sum of money. One the New Hellions, the recently resurrected Tarot, began to question the motives of her team and decided instead to help X-Force, a battle quickly ensued. Each member taking on another, X-Force’s years of teamwork and experience gave them the upper hand. With everyone busy fighting; it left only Siryn to do battle with Feral. Neither of the two women would want it any other way. This fight was long overdue and both were raring for it. It started with a heated argument, Siryn angry due to Feral’s defection; Feral angry simply because she disliked Siryn. Many words were exchanged; Siryn confident that she would win continued to egg Feral on. All of the rage and hate that Feral had felt for Siryn in her past boiled over in the argument. Feral, enraged, lounges at Siryn viciously slashing her vocal cords open. This injury would prove to be a critical one. It effectively took Siryn out of the fight and left her completely powerless, mute and requiring a long recovery time. Though Feral was successful in her fight, her team would not be and would lose their first and only battle. The New Hellions would disband shortly after, going their separate ways.
Not too long after, the cure for the Legacy Virus would be found and released into the air. Feral was cured. A strange side effect though was that she began to question her life, which would lead her to a make major decision.
A Change of Heart

Feral experienced many things in her life, some by choice others by circumstance; all though, molded her into the person that she had became. Of all the things she had experienced, death specifically her own mortality was never one of them. More-so from a source she couldn’t fight. With all her strength and mutant power, Feral was powerless to fight when she found that she had contracted the deadly Legacy Virus. Once afflicted by the Legacy Virus she went through many emotions including: anger, rage, denial and finally acceptance. To her surprise she would wake-up one day and she would find that was cured. No longer did she have to worry of her life being taken by the virus. She now had a choice; future being it. Feral would decide to make a change, a change that would have her head back to the good side and reform. She then contacted Professor X and with his acceptance she would join the X-Corporation, specifically the Mumbai Branch. It would be here that Feral would start her new life. She would be joined in the group by her sister (Thornn), former X-Force team-mate Warpath and one time X-Men, long time ally Sunfire. There wouldn’t be much time to get reacquainted though because the team would be sent on a mission almost immediately. It would be in this mission Feral would have the chance to pay Professor X back for the second chance he gave to her. The Mumbai Branch of X-Corporation would be integral in helping save Professor X from an assassination attempt by the craze-possessed Lilandra Neramani, who was under the belief that Charles Xavier was actually Cassandra Nova (the malevolent evil twin of Charles Xavier). This particular mission would be a highlight amongst many in her time with the X-Corporation.

Feral would stay with the X-Corporation for a long while until both she and her sister were affected by the events of M-Day. This would leave both of them powerless, their X-Gene removed, they would now be baseline human. No more powers and completely human in appearance. Unhappy by their new status quo they, Feral and Thornn, would go on a journey to find answers and a way to reverse their situation. This would have travel to New York to seek answers. Specifically leading them to Mutant Town, and then to Wakanda. While there Feral and Thornn met up with other feral heroes all of them animal in appearance such as Sasquatch & Wolfsbane. As a group, the four of them were to aid Wolverine in his search for his long time foe Sabretooth. During the group’s investigation to find Sabretooth, both Feral and Thornn would be kidnapped by the enigmatic geneticist Romulus. They would not know by whom till later. Romulus is a 2,000 year old geneticist that has been a part of many things, including Weapon X and Wolverine’s past. Romulus specializes in feral mutations preferring wolf-based entities such as individuals like Wolfsbane. While captive, the girls would be experimented changing them on the genetic level.
A Mutant Again???

When the sister’s wake up and find that they are in Weapon X experiment facility. They also found that they remembered nothing of the events that brought them there. Though not feeling any different except for their slight amnesia, they were more than surprised when they got up and looked at each other. Whatever that had been done to them had, in their beliefs, reversed their depowering. The sisters would realize that their bodies had been tampered with when they looked at each other they only saw their once mutant forms; cat-like in appearance. They were both mutants again (or so they thought). Both Feral and Thornn had re-emerged in their feline humanoid forms. Their memories began to slowly come back when Wolverine appeared. He was surprised to see their visages but gladly accepted the additional power that their mutant forms carried, should they wished to continue. Feral would choose to proceed, ecstatic in the chance to use her powers again. Now that Wolverine had finally found and secured the sisters he could continue his search for Sabretooth.

The two would continue to search the facility they were in. With so many hallways and doors they inadvertently get separated. While alone, Feral stumbles upon Sabretooth. He was very different, more animalistic, even more so then normal. He appeared as if he was a mindless animal. One important factor would affect the outcome of this particular battle. Feral was NOT truly a mutant. She DIDN’T have her powers. She was ONLY a mutant in appearance. Unfortunately she didn’t know this. Confident in her skills she willingly confronted him. In such close quarters and Sabretooth in his, apparent, mindless state, she would find the truth about her powers far too late. Sabretooth closed in and slaughtered her. Had Feral still been powered she could have held her own against him. She may have even won considering his mental state. But she didn’t. Wolverine would arrive right after Sabretooth had just killed her, too late to save her. Wolverine would, in a way, avenge her death, by ultimately killing his arch-nemesis, beheading him.
In the end when the team regrouped. With Feral dead, it was then speculated by Wolfsbane that the sisters were still base-line humans. Only their outward appearances had been changed back to their once feline forms. Wolverine agreed, as it explained why she would have lost so easily. It would appear that Romulus only reverted their physical forms back to their previous mutant forms, not actually granting them their actual mutant powers. It’s presumed that Romulus didn’t grant them their fully mutant powered forms purposely. Possibly because he was under the assumption that they were wolf-based mutants where his expertise lay in. In actuality they ware feline-based. Either he wasn’t able to restore them (as he only specialized in feral lupine types) *OR* chose not to when he found that they were not what he expected. Either way Feral would not survive this battle. Her life would come full circle; she was murdered cold-blooded by a feral mutant in a berserker state as she in a similar state did too much of her family in her youth, many years prior.

She is one of the many mutants to be revived by Selene and Eli Bard during Necrosha. She is seen attacking X-23 and Dr. James Bradley.
X-Factor: Original Sins

After Shatterstar and Wolfsbane defeat a demon, calling itself a Sin-Eater, at a local church, the two are about to leave when Feral was waiting outside the church. Feral wants to get Wolfsbane’s unborn baby and does not care if she has to rip it off from a cold dead body of Rahne Sinclair. Feral’s attack does not go as she had planned, because she goes through Wolfsbane’s body. It turns out that she is only a ghost. Shatterstar recognizes Feral back from the X-Force days, as he tries to defend his teammate. Wolfsbane reminds her that she is dead, however, Feral does not believe it, but senses that something is wrong with herself. As she realizes, she is dead, she disappears. She later reappears and reveals her mission, she is to be a beacon to other worldly forces to lead them to Wolfsbane. She also mentions that if she follows orders, she is promised to get back her flesh and blood body.
Resurrection and Krakoa
Feral was one of the many mutants resurrected by the work of The Five, as part of a plan of mutant ascension. She joined Krakoa nation and was present when Professor X was shot, along with her former X-Force teammates.
Maria was present along with other mutants, when the newest incarnation of X-Factor investigated Siryn, once her teammate. She later became Marrow’s roommate. Initially, they fell out and fought, but then, they started to understand each other.
Powers And Abilities
Feral has ailuranthropic physiology. She was covered with orange and white fur and had pointed ears. In addition to her physical features she, too, had a number of superhuman attributes including:
Superhuman speed:
Capable of moving and running faster than the finest athlete.
Superhuman Stamina:
Feral’s muscles produce far less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an average human. She can exert herself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue impairs her.
Regenerative Healing Factor:
Feral possess a healing factor, though not on par with Wolverine. She is able heal her wounds and restore her health at an accelerated rate.
Superhuman Agility:
Feral’s natural agility, balance, and coordination are enhanced to increased levels, similar to that of a cat.
Superhuman Reflexes:
She has the reaction time that is roughly half of that of normal base-line human’s.
Superhumanly Acute Senses:
She possesses superhumanly acute senses of sight, smell, taste and hearing comparable to, though actually stronger than, those of some animals such as dogs, cats and wolves.
Razor Sharp Claws & Teeth:
Feral possesses retractable claws at the tip of each finger. These claws are capable of cutting most conventional materials including flesh, bone, wood, stone, and some types of metals. She also has elongated canine teeth that she can use to rend flesh or even break through bone in combat situations.
Prehensile Tail:
She is also capable of supporting her weight with her tail, and also provides greater balance allowing for more precise athletic movement. Feral’s tail is capable of completing small tasks, though nothing that requires a great level of fine motor skills.
Strength level:
Feral possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift about 1 ton.
Special Skills
Feral is a formidable hand to hand combatant, trained by none other than the likes of Cable and Wolverine.
She is also an excellent tracker and hunter particularly when combined with her mutant talents.
Feral was left depowered due to the events of M-Day. She was later mutated and given her feline-humanoid form back but she would still remain depowered.
Known Relatives:
Mr. Callasantos (father, first name unrevealed, deceased), Marcella Callasantos (mother, deceased), Lucia Callasantos (aka Thornn, sister), Matteo Callasantos (brother, deceased), Carolina Callasantos (sister, deceased)
United States citizen with a criminal record.
Marital Status:
Place of Birth:
New York (the city has yet to be revealed.)
Formerly adventurer and terrorist; Currently deceased.
It is presumed to be middle school since her mutation started early.
110 lbs
Yellow, with no visible pupil.
Hair/ Fur:
Orange and White fur covered her entire body.
Alternate Realities

Earth #58163 ( House of M) – Feral appears as part of the Brotherhood Strike force. The Brotherhood are actually the equivalent to the NYPD. The Brotherhood specialized in the take down organized crime.

Earth #295 ( Age of Apocalypse) – Feral was one of the Dark Beast‘s lab rats before the fall of Apocalypse. He would use his captive mutants by experimenting on them and cruelly torturing them. His experiments were to test and see the extent of their mutant powers. Feral would escape with the other mutants that, too, were detained and experimented on. The group would flee to the sewers and form the Age of Apocalypse version of the Morlocks. They would be found by the X-Men and though the X-Men were attempting to offer them safety and refuge, the Morlocks would attack. After the horrible experiments done to them, they trusted no one especially those unfamiliar to them. Marrow, their leader, would attempt to attack the Silver Samurai, and Feral was going to attack him from the back. Before she could, Dazzler would blast Feral squarely in the chest with a solid light photon, launching Feral to a nearby wall. It’s unrevealed if she survived the battle.

X-Men: The End ( X-Men: The End) – The End chronicles “The End”, or final story of the X-Men. X-Force is attacked very early on taking serious damage with more than half of their rank being killed including Warpath, Cable, Shatterstar and Meltdown(Tabitha Smith). Only three would survive the first battle that being Domino, Rictor & Feral. Still reeling from their last fight and in shock over their team-mates/friend’s deaths they continue to run. To their luck, they see the X-Men Blackbird and are greeted by “Wolverine” who was on-board. Relieved, Domino runs up to him and immediately hugs him exclaiming her happiness. He answers by stabbing her and immediately attacking and killing Rictor. Feral, realizing the situation, attempts to do battle with the now revealed War- Skrull, but is killed quickly, as she had already been injured in previous fight. X-Force’s last member would be Domino who would die only moments later.

Earth #9997 ( Earth X) – Feral is still a member of X-Force and for a short time she and her team-mates were being mentally controlled and forced to work for the Skull, the antagonist of this version of Earth. She along with the rest of X-Force would gain her freedom though, once the Skull was killed.
Other Media
X-Men: The Animated Series

Feral is amongst those mutants enslaved as they were handicapped by a device that blocks their powers. As they were freed, Feral had her turn to fight back.
X2: X-Men United
Feral’s name is listed in William Stryker’s files on Lady Deathstrike’s computer.
X-Men: Battle of The Atom

Pixie is featured in the mobile card game “X-Men: Battle of the Atom” based on the comic book story with the same name. Her cards are:
- Feral
- [Pen Prisoner] Feral
- [Undead Army] Feral
[X-Force] Feral