Born on the planet Stone, a world that was populated by many different alien races. Fl’ff’s parents were killed in an accident when she was a baby, and she spent her youth in a government run home.
As a teenager she spent long periods of time playing an arcade machine that was an accurate simulation of space travel and warfare, and became an unbeatable expert at it. When a visiting Commonwealth officer was attacked and robbed Fl’ff and her friends aided him in retrieving important documents, he was so impressed with Fl’ff’s knowledge that he told her to try out for the academy.
Three years after this event she enlisted, and after six years she graduated.
Flff is an alien member of the spaceship crew from the British comic book Conqueror, she was created by writer Martin Lock and appeared in the very first issue of the comic.
Fl’ff has no powers as such, but is an experienced combatant and is good with a gun, she has been shown to be able to wrestle a Sabre-toothed Tiger to death with her bare hands.