General Robert Gordon


AC Comics


Now that the second war is over, General Gordon is not satisfied with the FemForce team. He inform Joan Wayne than the government can’t support any longer an organization that should have not existed. He alluded to the fact that Eleanor Roosevelt had browbeat her husband, the then President Franklin D. Roosevelt, into making Miss Victory and her females cronies national heroes. He then asks her to find a new headquarters, less expensive.

Several months later, when Joan became Rad, Gordon has one day decide that she was too dangerous. She must be put under arrest, even if she must be killed. He hires a group of super-mercenaries to bring her down. Among the villains, there was Rip-Haw, Valkoray, Lonestar, Kallima, Shred and Frosbite. Long after that fiasco, Gordon was replaced by General Roberta Strock.