George R. Binks

George R. Binks was born in Otoh Gunga, the largest Gungan city on Naboo. The Binks family have been whalers for centuries. As a youth he had his own group of fishermen before joining the family business, the Binks & Son Whaling Company. As a professional whaler, he sailed over the entire planet of Naboo.

Eventually, he fell in love with the warrior-woman Sheebla, and hoped to marry her. When he found out she was infertile he broke it off. He felt having a son to carry on the family name was too important. He married another, more fertile, woman and she gave birth to Jar Jar. While Jar Jar was still a child, George started teaching him how to be a whaler. Unfortunately, Jar Jar had no interest in whaling, and was way too clumsy. This cause George to start to resent Jar Jar.

On a whaling trip with his wife and son in the southernmost seas of Naboo, they came across a huge whale. George tried unsuccessfully to harpoon the whale. During the encounter George let Jar Jar take the wheel. Jar Jar wasn’t able to out maneuver the whale and it sank their boat. They then had to seek refuge on a desert island.

After a month, still stranded, George named their little island Binks’s Woe. Over time he grew more annoyed with Jar Jar. Jar Jar offered to swim for help, an impossible and suicidal mission, and George tried to encourage him, hoping that it would kill him. Unfortunately for George, his wife stepped in and prevented Jar Jar from leaving. This resulted in George taking his gun and shooting himself in the head.