Gigi was an ambitious and enthusiastic young woman who raced through school with the intention of going to the Science Police Academy to become an officer like her grandfather had been in his early days. Soon after joining the Academy Gigi was way ahead of her fellow cadets, showing how extremely bright and resourceful she could be. Gigi became the Science Police’s youngest ever cadet.
She attended the Academy with Gim Allon, who went on to become Colossal Boy in the Legion. They became romantically involved for a short while, adopting a close friendship after their split.
After she graduated from the Academy she was assigned to Takron-Galtos before being reassigned to Earth, where she moved in with fellow officer Shvaughn Erin.
Gigi Cusimano was created by the team of Keith Giffen and Paul Levitz. She was introduced in the Legion of Super-Heroes Legion of Super-Heroes #301 – Different Paths, Different Dooms. She is a member of the Science Police who has worked as a liaison to both the Legion of Super-Heroes and the Legion of Substitute Heroes.
Character Evolution
Major Story Arcs
Gigi Cusimano was the chief of the Science Police in the latter half of the 30th Century. Stationed on the planet Mars, she was a close friend of Shvaughn Erin and Chief Kimball Zendak.
She once had a relationship with Colossal Boy back when they were Science Police cadets and she later had a flirtation with Sun Boy.
Gigi continues to serve with the Science Police and work with the Legion until the United Planets made the unanimous decision to disband the Legion of Super-Heroes. Gigi was the head chief of the Science Police and personally handed them their walking papers.
Powers and Abilities
Gigi is a normal human being with the regular attributes of a woman her age. She maintains extensive regular exercise. She is a skilled tactician and has the scientific and military might of the Science Police at her command.
Known Relatives: Unnamed Grandfather
Marital Status: Single
Affiliation: Science Police
Base Of Operations: Mars (Planet), Formerly New Earth
Alignment: Good
Identity: Public Identity
Citizenship: United Planets Citizen
Education: Metropolis University, Science Police Academy
Occupation: Chief of the Science Police, Former Academy Cadet
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’4″
Weight: 120lbs