Gloria Spaulding

Image Comics

Although Gloria Spaulding is Roxy Spaulding’s biological mother, she raised Roxy to believe that Roxy was her stepdaughter.

Gloria Pellegrino is the daughter of an Air Force colonel. As a seventeen-year-old in New Orleans, she met Alex Fairchild, who fathered Roxy. Gloria ran away to Seattle where she met Aaron Spaulding. Gloria and Aaron married and raised Roxy, telling everyone that she was Aaron’s daughter from an earlier marriage.

The Wild Storm

Ms. Spaulding used to be a black ops specialist in the service of I.O. and its corporate head Mr. Lynch. She worked as a black bag thief who stole stuff for her superiors until she gained her Gen/Active implant through Project: Thunderbook, the biotech drive within her system often sang to her in order to soothe her temperament.

Making her easier to control and work with, she kept this a secret from her commanding officer until he was eventually removed from office and the Thunderbook test subjects were cast to the winds.

John Lynch would set out to find and warn the other Gen 12 subjects when files relating to his secret projects were breached, when he met up with Gloria she was rather jovial with him. Jesting about how the 12th Genetic Stage of Thunderbook made her life lovely and light. She even answered a couple of questions about her implant and how it pushed her to breed. About how she left her daughter with her own relative before leaving Lynch with advice about Marc Slayton’s activities and whereabouts before she packed up her house and left for parts unknown.