Pre-Crisis: The Beginning
![Golden Eagle is Charley Parker](
Golden Eagle started out as Charley Parker, a orphan who idolized Hawkman. Parker had sent Hawkman a letter, not known he was ordered back to Thanagar at the time, explaining his own unique wings and his ability to capture some crooks. Green Arrow read the letter and decided to meet with the kid in order to give him the thrill of meeting the Ace Archer as a consolation. Once in Midway City, Green Arrow spotted a look-alike Hawkman netting some crooks in clown costumes and delivering them to police headquarters. Commissioner Emmett believed Hawkman was still on Earth and operating undercover. He also believed Hawkman was responsible for the surge of captured criminals in Midway due to the trademark golden feather left behind after each delivery.
![Parker idolized Hawkman](
Green Arrow continued after the look-alike Hawkman and spotted a sphere of water had engulfed him. The voice of Hawkman’s old foe, Matter Master, was then heard and believed he was attacking the real Hawkman. A couple of Green Arrow’s trick arrows pierce the sphere and carried Parker to safety. When Parker woke up he found himself surrounded by more Justice League members. Parker next explained that he was wearing his pretend Hawkman costume and imagined himself flying when he was hit by a strange light. The next thing he knew, his costume was real and he was flying with real wings. He was also able to change his street clothes into the Golden Eagle costume at will and visa versa.
![Alongside the JLA](
The JLA members and Golden Eagle went after Matter Master but his metachem wand transformed the Leaguers’ heads into animals. They are chased after by giant replicas of each animal’s predator, while Parker is teleported to the location of where Matter Master was physically. It was discovered as Matter Master lay asleep, his subconscious mind provided more power to the metachem wand. Sensing his distraught over Hawkman returning to Thanagar, his subconscious mind picked the one person that resembled him and made the wand create a live pseudo- Hawkman to fight. In the end, the JLA defeated their attackers and free Parker from his imprisonment by Matter Master. Parker was then transformed permanently back to normal.
As Parker was about to be considered for honorary membership in the JLA, Hawkman calls upon the League for help against the Equalizer. Parker was left aboard the JLA satellite to look after things.
Titans West is Born
In his attempt to become an actor in California, Parker was in the middle of being fired from his gas station attendant job when he finds a naval ship floating in mid air. Donning the costume and a new set of wings given to him by the real Hawkman, Parker became Golden Eagle once again. He then encountered other super-teens like himself (Bat-Girl, Beast Boy and Hawk) in a rescue attempt of the civilians aboard the aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Tippecanoe. As a team the young heroes bring the carrier back down to sea level. Parker and the others were then introduced to Dove and Lilith. Lilith claims some unknown force has brought them all together.
![Titans West](
Now called Titans West, their search for the culprit leads them to the East Coast and an encounter with the Teen Titans. The Teen Titans had faced their own disaster with the villain Captain Calamity. Once the two teams met, the plot unfolded that Mr. Esper had used the power of his helmet’s “sonic whisper” to tap into Lilith’s mind to gain access to her powers. Captain Calamity was first an illusion of Mr. Esper, but when the teams defeated him, he had made Mr. Esper the illusion and assumed the identity of Captain Calamity. Before the teams eventually disband they take a group picture for posterity.
Post-Crisis Origin – Reboot Part I
![Golden Eagles 2nd costume](
One day, Golden Eagle appeared out of nowhere over, it was then that he rescued a family of campers that were trapped in a burning forest. Because of his heroic action, Golden Eagle was given a lot of praise and gratitude. He then decided to ask people for money in exchange for his hero services. He even passed out cards that said: “Golden Eagle – Loved Ones Need Saving? I Fly in the Face of Danger. All Major Credit Cards Accepted”. His monetary requests were not warmly welcomed and people tore up his cards, thus did a super-hero career get off to a shaky start. Charlie Parker had always been someone who hadn’t had luck in finding and keeping a job. He discovered people wouldn’t employ a hero-for-hire when plenty of super-heroes would do the work without gratuity.
Titans West Once More
![Post-Crisis Reboot](
Parker was “in-between jobs” when he encountered other super-teens like himself (Flamebird, Beast Boy, and Hawk) in a rescue attempt of the civilians aboard the aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Tippecanoe. As a team the young heroes bring the carrier back down to sea level. Parker and the others were then introduced to Dove and Lilith. Lilith gathered the young heroes together and told them how she foreseen many more disasters all created by the villain Mr. Esper. She recommended they go to the East Coast and ask the Teen Titans for help (especially Robin’s leadership).
The Teen Titans had faced their own disaster with the villain Captain Calamity. When the two teams met the plot unfolded that Mr. Esper had used the power of his helmet’s “sonic whisper” to tap into Lilith’s mind to gain access to her powers. Captain Calamity was first an illusion of Mr. Esper, but when the teams defeated him he had made Mr. Esper the illusion and assumed the identity of Captain Calamity.
After the case had ended, Robin voiced his concerns about two Titan teams existing and his unwillingness to lead both. Parker and the rest of Titans West were offended at Robin’s assumptions and stormed out on the Teen Titans. The main reason that Golden Eagle joined the team was because he thought that it would give him a great amount of money, however, it wouldn’t be long before both teams disbanded.
![The revival doesn't happen](
Parker would end up staying with Karen and Mal Duncan for awhile. He even showed up at Karen’s work at S.T.A.R. Labs, offering himself up to be studied in return for payment. This led Parker on a mission into the afterlife with Hawk and Dove II, which involved many of the former Titan West members. Flamebird’s enthusiastic attempt to resurrect Titans West after this was met with little enthusiasm and never got off the ground.
Much later, members of the Teen Titans (past and present) would be hunted and captured by the Wildebeest Society. Golden Eagle along with Aqualad (Tempest) went to to join Deathstroke‘s team that was supposed to find and rescue the rest of the Titans. However, as soon as they arrived on the island, they were attacked by a Wildebeest. Aqualad was severely injured and Parker’s attempt to subdue the Wildebeest left him strangled to deathâ¦so it would seem.
The Return: Fact or Fiction?
![Saved by Nth metal?](
Parker returned alive to Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Parker stated the Golden Eagle armor was Thanagarian in origin and the Nth metal contained in it revived him from the Wildebeest’s strangulation. The armor was given to him by his true father, Fel Andar, who also nursed him back to health before the Thanagarian authorities found him again.
True Origins Revealed
![No Caption Provided](
Most of Parker’s life was lived in orphanages and foster homes, during which he developed deep issues of abandonment. He was forced to grow up fast and his view of the world became as jaded as those that cared for him used him in illegal practices. When they no longer had anymore use for him, Parker was abandoned once again.
![Mentored by Hawkman](
Parker lost all sense of hope and attempted to end his life by jumping from a great height. Hawkman intervened, swooped down and rescued the teen. Hawkman consoled Parker and sent him to see Carter Hall, where he was giving a janitor job. At the time, Adam Strange had delivered a suit of winged armor that he had recently discovered. Later revealed to be deliberately planned by Fel Andar, his father.
When Parker helped protect Hawkgirl from the Shadow Thief one evening, Hawkman revealed his true identity to him and offered to train him as a warrior. Parker trained with Hawkman in the suit of winged armor that Adam Strange recently dropped off. There time was brief, as Hawkman had to leave and Parker was left alone once more. However, Parker was allowed to keep the battle armor he trained in. That is when Parker hooked up with Titans West, but when the team disbanded he returned to his slacker lifestyle. It was the events of Charley against the Wildabeast Society which led to his death and ressurection.
Vengeance Quest
After his near death experience, Parker and his father were taken to Thanagar to become a prisoner once again, his hatred toward Hawkman began. It was after this that Parker started a vengeance quest against his former mentor. For the next few years, Charley Parker traveled around the world, he would even fund his own aerospace enterprise that would later be known as “Ethon Enterprises”. However, no one was aware of Charlie Parker being alive since he decided to remain as a ghost to the rest of the world for a few years. Finally, one day in St. Roch, Parker would reveal to the world that he was indeed alive when he appeared using the costume of Golden Eagle once again.
When a bunch of villains from Hawkman’s rogues gallery teamed up to destroy Hawkman, Parker stepped in as Golden Eagle to help Carter. It was soon revealed that Charley Parker had been influencing all of Hawkman’s villains to work together to fight and kill him. It was also revealed that Parker had employed Thought Terror to brainwash Hawkman in the attempt to kill Hawkgirl.
Hawkman decided to fake his own death to learn who was attempting to destroy him, by manipulating him and his enemies. During this time, Parker took the mantle and costume of Hawkman, pretending that he was Hawkman’s son due to a blood sample he had analyzed. Parker’s plans came to a halt before he could take Hawkgirl back to Thanagar with him as the real Hawkman returned. Hawkman was now fully aware of Golden Eagle’s grand scheme and the two battled fiercely. Despite everything Parker had done to him, Hawkman left him only badly beaten. With a broken arm and injured eye, Parker was sent to Thanagar in his self-built spacecraft to be dealt with by the authorities there. However, arriving on Thangar he received a pardon for his crimes and was instated as Wingman leader for a faction of the Thanagarian army dispatched on Rann. As Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Adam Strange arrived to help, Charley tried to fight them until his father returned. It was revealed that his father had given up his plans for world domination, found peace, and hoped Charley would follow the same path. At that moment though, Blackfire arrived and killed Fel Ander sending Eagle into a rage. The two did battle until her forces retreated. Burying his father he decided to listen to his words, and fight for the peace of Thangar. No matter what. He was later claimed as a prize for the alien Forerunner Viza Aziv and forced to act as her sex slave. When Forerunner finds a planet to call her own, she released Charley and allowed him to return home.
Powers and Abilities
Charley Parker is a superb athlete and skilled hand-to-hand combatant, with limited knowledge in weaponry. The Golden Eagle armor gives him the ability to fly at great speeds and range in maneuverability. Along with the power of flight, Golden Eagle possesses sharp metal talons on his gloves, which provide him with a formidable assault weapon. Golden Eagle also has incredible vision, which allows him to see objects from great distances, even in near-total darkness. Whether the latter ability is attributable to Charley Parker or the Golden Eagle costume itself has yet to be revealed.