Age: 120
Height: 1.70m
Weight: 70kg
Body type: ascetic
Distinctive marks: has only just one eye
Hobbies: draws visions of the future with charchoal
Background: he is the son of Gebeleizis the god of thunder
Possitive traits: fiercely, never quit a position / idea, it’s like a bulldog he will not unclenches his jaw not even if you kill him, is extremely intelligent;
Negative traits: he’s mocking and despise people, he consider them inferior;
– surly, mocking, loyal, ascetic, frowning, doctor, obsessed with cleanliness, articulate;
– he has an extremely well developed sense of duty;
– he’s loyal to his friends but at the same time may scorn them, it’s much smarter than them and it shows in language;
– tends to want to rule but in the “gang” of Harap Alb is retained by loyalty and fear of exaggeration;
even so he consider himself the right hand of Harap Alb,
feels obliged to explain everything and gives orders to others;
– he has the height of a normal person, well build but not overly muscular, lean, ascetic in taste (drink water rather than wine, roasted meat rather than pie);
– lack of sex drive (women from earth are far beneath his dignity);
– not stingy, dosen’t want gold / precious stones (if he would find a bag of gold he would make it a gift for poor peasants but he would throw it away with contempt …)
– the “doctor“ of the band, because of his intelligence and origin he has an understanding of native remedies, herbal cure;
– he’s clean and hygienic (get angry when others leave a mess behind);
– handles logistics and settlement displacement camp;
– needs a helmet / hat so he can sleep (his eye never closes);
– he almost never smiles even when everyone else do;
– he’s articulated, uses words that sometimes gives trouble to others, but he likes to explain them, it’s still a way to show off his superiority;
– the most ardent desire of his is to return to the realm of the gods and to defeat Pleistoros
– he has visions, sees the future or what happens at large distances;
– hears thousands of voices and barely manages to control them;
– through his eye can release a deadly beam, like a flash.