

Brooklyn has Coney Island, a big old bridge and an antihero named Hardedge. While the 23 year-old Shawn Lloyd got his name from his super tough, almost indestructible skin, it also describes his personality perfectly. He is nearly indestructible and his punches pack a mean wallop. He is highly ambitious, and dreams of succeeding crime boss Maxima Blood, a.k.a. Vendetta. A member of the Regulators, he is drawn to help Tajana Juarez, Vort-X. Hardedge can also fly, but the source of this power is a mystery. A close associate is Dedline, who has been a friend since childhood.

What he lacks in social polish he makes up for in unbridled power and attitude as a product of the streets who became the fourth member of Vendetta’s Regulators. Hardedge professes no desire to be a “soopa villain,” when he reluctantly joins the group. Quickly finding fault with Vendetta’s methods he openly discusses a potential mutiny against his boss with Vort-X. But despite his apparent lack of formal education, Hardedge is no fool, realizing that Blackjak stands in the way of any potential confrontation with Vendetta.

Note: Hardedge’s secret identity is either Shawn Lloyd or Bruce Chaisson based on two different trading cards.