Hero By Night is a person powered by a ring made from alchemy. The first person was Lt. David Day during World War 2, he created all the gadgets that would be used for the persona. The second person was Jack King, a always late for everything dead beat who happen to be living on top of Days’ old hide out.
Hero By Night was created by D.J. Coffman for Platinum Studios and NBC’s 2006 Comic Book Challenge contest. The comic would go on to win praise from several media outlets before Coffman left Platinum Studios over payment disputes.
Powers And Abilities
The powers given to the hero come from a ring worn on their hand. The exact abilities and limits of those abilities have never been revealed.
Super human strength is given to the person wearing the ring. The upper limits of it haven’t been tested, but with little effort David Day was able to lift a full size car in the 1940s.
The Hero By Night has been shown to deflect small arms fire, and even survive a fairly sizeable explosion at ground zero.
In such cases that the wearer was actually seriously injured, the ring would also allow for quicker healing.
The ring, given time, would also negate the need for sleep.