Over the centuries, Hightower and Helspont have been rivals for the leadership of the Daemonite faction on Earth. Each has taken his place at various times as the most prominent of his race. Hightower, at various times, assumed the identities of Genghis Khan, Hannibal, King John, and Stalin. The key to making one’s mark as a Daemonite is to eliminate a Lord Kherubim. Both Hightower and Helspont have been after Emp for centuries. The last time Hightower had a good shot at him was thirty years ago. instead of killing him, though, his attack left Emp an amnesiac. Working with Sister Artemis of the Coda, he trapped the Grifter and used him as bait to lure in Zealot and the rest of the WILDC.A.T.S, hoping to finish the job left undone thirty years before.