Hip Flask was created in North Africa 2224 by MAPPO. He was on of the first in a line of human animal hybrids created by Dr. Nikken. In order for the “Elephantmen” to be succesfully bred, a human female host was required to carry the embryo to term only for it to be violently extracted later on and the mother discarded. Raised to not question orders and trained to become an unstoppable soldier, Hip Flask was the only Elephantman to raise his hand during a class only to be sent to solitary after.
![MAPPO tattoo](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_small/11/110802/3251161-hipflask_tattoo.jpg)
The name ‘Hip Flask’ is taken from his tattoo, given to him by MAPPO. It originally said ‘Hippopotamus’ and ‘Flask 7A’. The ‘popot’ has faded due to blisters.
Hip Flask was created by Richard Starkings who first used the character in several advertisements for Comicraft in the late 1990’s. He later developed the character into several one shots and eventually an on-going series with Joe Casey and artist Jose Ladronn.
Character Evolution
Hip Flask, along with the rest of the Elephantmen were created by Dr. Nikken & MAPPO. They were raised and trained to be perfect soldiers used in horrific wars across Europe and Asia. The U.N. eventually stepped in and shut down Nikken’s facility in Africa and liberated Hip along with the Elephantmen. Hip was rehabilitated and set up with a job at the Information Agency.
Major Story Arcs
![Information Agent](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/1/19151/566825-em1_p4panel_lg.jpg)
After a bloody & violent battle with a crocodile Elephantman, Hip Flask passes out by the side of the sewer and is found by Miki. She calls the cops and Hip is taken to Saint Francis hospital. Hip recovers alongside his friend Ebony Hide. Hip & Ebony later assist Trench in an assault by Serengheti’s forces. Hip is walking in the park when a truck barrels down the street out of control, the driver having died at the wheel of a heart attack. IHe smashes into the truck and saves two children and, only moments later, an asteroid smashes into the beach nearby. Hip gets to the scene of the crash along with Ebony, Miki and some civilians. At first it looks as if Hip is transformed into a squid but is really just covered by them. As the civilians faces explode into mushrooms Hip realizes the asteroid is loaded with the FCN virus.