Rick Tyler is the son of Wendy Harris and Rex Tyler, the original Hourman, and the president of his own chemical company. Rex Tyler wanted his son to make a career in medicine or the chemicals industry but Rick, despite his intelligence, seemed uninterested in applying himself to a career. His only interest was in becoming an artist but Rex disapproved. Discovering of his father’s super-heroic endeavors, Rick could not help but aspire to take Miraclo himself.
Major Story Arcs
Infinity, Inc.

Rex and Rick were living in Los Angeles, California when the city was struck by earthquakes as a result of the upheavals wrought by the Crisis on Infinite Earths. It was during this time that Rick first took one of the Miraclo pills that belonged to his father, giving him superpowers for the period of one hour, just like his father. It was after this that Rick became the second Hourman.
Meanwhile the earthquakes had caused an explosion, blinding one of Rick’s fellow interns, Beth Chapel. Chapel discovered she could see in the dark still, but even with special glasses she could not see in the light and she became the second Doctor Mid-Nite. Shortly thereafter, all of the heroes on Rick’s world disappeared, having been summoned by the Monitor. Rick and Beth became the new heroes of their world and along with others, formed Infinity Inc.
Rick was addicted to the Miraclo pills which caused him to contract leukemia. Thanks to Johnny Chambers (Rex‘s old teammate and Rickâs future father-in-law) helped Rick and his father to use their powers without those pills. Rick faced more adversity due to his father and Beth Chapelâs death. Rick remained sick but the new Hourman (an android) cured Rickâs cancer and gave him an hourglass that would grant Rick visions of usually violent scenarios.
The Justice Society of America
Rick returned to his old persona (Hourman), but with a different costume (similar to his fatherâs), and joined to the JSA new team. After the Ultra-Humaniteâs battle, Rick remained as a JSA member and he started to have a crush with the JSAâs business manager, Jesse Chambers who lost her powers after a battle with Zoom. Rick almost lost his life in a battle to stop Black Adam, but he was operated on by Doctor Mid-Nite, who saved his life.
Justice Society of America and JSA All-Stars
Rick became a member of the new Justice Society of America , and he married Jesse Chambers, the new Liberty Belle and became friends with Damage. When the Justice Society of America split in two Rick went to the new team and Jesse stayed in the original. Rick left his house in Hartford, Connecticut to a new home at 1304 Sycamore Street, in a residential neighborhood, in New Rochelle, New York with Jesse. They are currently planning on having a child. Rick is afraid of what effect the Miraclo in his blood stream will have on the baby, and has therefore stopped using it, at least until Jesse is pregnant.
In Justice League of America #60 it’s revealed that Jesse was pregnant, when Supergirl asked Jesse what was Rick’s reaction when she told him about the pregnancy, Jesse said Rick started crying.
New 52
Appears in Earth 2 Society as a mysterious powerhouse going up against Val Zod and defeating him.
Appears in Earth 2 Society #6.
Powers and Abilities
Rick has no super powers but he takes a drug called Miraclo which gives him the following abilities for one hour:
- Super Strength can lift up to 100 tons.
- Durability has been shown to rival Hawkman
- Endurance high enough durability to endurance anything from, gunshots, to stabbing to falling great heights.
- Super Speed can run up to 10 miles per hour
He also has the ability to see one hour into the future thanks to a special Hourglass.
- Precognition gives him the ability to see events such as attacks
Character Profile
- Height: 5’9″
- Weight: 170 lbs
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Brown
- Citizenship: American
- Place of Birth: New York Cit
- Marital Status: Married
- Occupation: Adventurer, artist
- Known Relatives: Rex Tyler (father), Wendi Harris (mother), Jesse Chambers (wife), Johnny Tyler (son), Rebecca Tyler (cousin)
- Base of Operations: New York City
Other Media

- Although his appearances are limited and brief, Hourman can be seen in the background of the Justice League Unlimited animated series. In the episode, “Panic in the Sky”, Hourman is seen to be taking Miraclo through the use of his gauntlet.
- In reference to Hourman, an hourglass can be seen displayed in a glass container in the Smallville TV movie, “Absolute Justice”. Many other references to JSA members are also made in this.
- In Robot Chicken, Hourman was seen to be promoting an erectile dysfunction pill that would make the user an “Hourman, just like me!”