

A character than appeared in the Silver Age, Hyperboy was one of the several analog/doppelgangers characters of Superman/Superboy than populated the pages of the Superman titles (Superman, Action Comics, Adventure Comics and Superboy) during the 50s and 60s. Considered a trope of the Silver age, Hyperboy don’t reappered again until 2018 in the pages of The Green Lantern season one.


Hyperboy aka Kirk Quentin had an origin similar to Superman: his original world exploded,and Kirk escaped with his parents in a rocket, landing on the planet Trombus. There, they gained Kryptonian-like hyper-powers under its orange sun and became ‘The Hyper-Family‘. To prove themselves as crime-fighters, the Hyper-family developted a complicated plot to replace Superboy. After the plot was discovered, the Hyper-Family returned to Trombus.

Recently the Hyper-family joined the ranks of the Superwatch. But new circunstances have given a dark shade about their status as heroes.