Inspector Sam Makoa is the Chief of the Honolulu Special Crimes Unit. His life in Hawaii was rather quiet until Superboy arrives.
Initially Makoa and Superboy had something of an unfriendly rivalry going on for some time, eventually the two came to an understanding, and Superboy could call on Makoa for advice that requires the police. Makoa could certainly call on Superboy for any sort of help that was needed in the island state as well.
During the Water Grave saga, Superboy, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, Knockout, King Shark and Makoa conforms the Suicide Squad under Amanda Waller’s direction in order to stop the Silicon Dragons. After the Female Furies attack in Hawaii, he chases Knockout for murder of a Police Officer and creates the Special Crimes Unit in Hawaii. He helps Roxy Leech to become a police officer and later a SCU member.
His last appearance was in Superboy #69 where he aids Superboy in getting permission to talk to the imprisoned Knockout.