Jacqueline Connelly

Character History

Jacqueline was the one of a pair of twins.  She married a man named Mike Landau but had a very public affair with a man  named William Martindale.  William bought a house for her and it was in this house she was murdered by her own sister Judith Connelly in an accidental homicide.  Mike was blamed for the crime and sent to prison.  William was thought to be guilty as well but he was able to have a better defense due to him money and influence.  Although William was innocent he let people believe he was guilty.  He used this as an edge to show his power.
Jacquline relived her death over and over again when the Spectre found her.  He went to every suspect and got information as only he can.  He first went to Mike who was so scared by the end of it that he hung himself despite his innocence.  William was crushed by his experience with the Spectre and, Judith was driven over a cliff by the Spectre.  When the Spectre went back to where Jacquelin’s spirit was he found that he changed nothing and she continued to relive her death.