Jerry Hunt

After encountering Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Jerry takes a extended leave of absence from S.H.I.E.L.D and  follows her to Los Angeles, where he becomes Spider-Woman’s love interest. Jerry’s strong attraction for Spider-Woman may be due to SW’s pheromones that makes most men attracked to her and repel most women. During his stay in Los Angeles, Jerry (along with Spider-Woman) encounters Morgan le Fay, Pyrotechnics Inc., Samuel Davis, the Needle, Gypsy Moth, and the Brothers Grimm. During his stay in Los Angeles, Jerry was reassigned in Los Angeles with a partner Laura Brown to locate missing S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Their investigations led them to the Hatros Intitutes and were capture by the Cult of Kali. Jerry and Laura were rescued by Spider-Woman and the Shroud before being offered as human sacrifices by the cult members. Jerry’s relationship with Spider-Woman ended when Jerry was reassigned back to London. Jerry’s attraction to Spider-Woman at the end seem to have changed when he remembered where he saw her before, when he was thumbing through S.H.I.E.L.D on HYDRA.

Later, Jerry Hunt (Lt. Hunt) goes on a mission with Captain America to defeat Flag-Smasher and the terrorist group ULTIMATUM in the Swiss Alps.

Eventually Jessica contacts Jerry Hunt for a favor to locate criminal, while investigating the disappearance of Matti Franklin.