Jessica Carradine

Brief History

Jessica and Ben Reilly (the Scarlet Spider) both where frequent visitors to the Daily Grind coffee shop. The two started to draw close to each-other, both feeling an attraction to one another, until Jessica discovered that Ben Reilly was the second Spider-Man. She had blamed Spider-Man for her father’s death (which happened to be the burglar that shot Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben). Now that Ben Reilly was the second Spider-man, she wanted to hurt him just as much.

She even made a photo of Ben while he took of his Spider-man mask, hoping to expose him in the Daily Bugle, the paper she worked for. Eventually, Jessica came to terms with herself, and knew that this path of hate was not the right way to go. She destroyed the photo, but told Ben she did not want to see him again. What has become of Jessica remains to be seen, she has not been heard from since.