Jim Macauley

Major Story Arcs

Jim Macauley works for mobster Camden Stone. He has superpowers, but doesn’t wear a costume, which is different from the older generation of villains in 1960s Chicago. C.O.W.L., the superhero union, normally catches supervillains, but their jurisdiction is less clear when they aren’t wearing “colors.” C.O.W.L. is also on strike, so when heroes Eclipse and Radia attack a mob joint looking for Macauley, they are in disguise and not operating as official C.O.W.L. officers. They’ve decided to operate on their own due to their own private frustrations with the union.

Macauley gets some good hits in on Eclipse, given his forcefield’s protection, but Eclipse is able to cancel his field using his own power-disruption abilities, after which Radia shoots several dice through his body at high speeds with her telekinesis. They tell him and Stone to get out of the crime business.

However, the message doesn’t stick. When Macauley gets out of the hospital, he goes back to working with Stone.

Powers & Abilities

Macauley has a forcefield that is reportedly very strong (he says, “nothin’ gets through this”). It emanates just a few inches away from his body in all directions.