Johnny Peril


Johnny Peril
Johnny Peril

Little is known of the early life of the man called Johnny Peril. His name may even be an alias, assumed to thwart investigations into his past. Whatever his past, Johnny Peril has always been associated with adventure and intrigue. His past occupations have been many, but they have invariably been jobs whose high risk factors – due to their unusual natures – cannot have been compensated for solely by money.He has left few corners of the world untrod, traveling from the steaming equatorial jungles of Africa to the eerie depths of the Bermuda Triangle. However, when asked what drives him to undertake these serious assignments, he has never given a straight answer, preferring to express a desire for a “nice, normal case.”

Johnny Peril became a private detective, making the professional acquaintance of renown psychic, Heather Storm.


Johnny Peril first appeared in Comic Cavalcade #19 (Feb 1947) originally under the name “Mr. Nobody”. He was created by Howard Purcell.

Character Evolution

Johnny Peril’s original stories were standard mystery tales involving a private investigator of the occult and “adventurer of the weird” in many exotic locations.

New 52

Johnny Peril is a member of ARGUS. He is a scientist working to discover how biology and technology work together to balance magic. He was brought to Nanda Parbat to take the remaining Books of Magic to The Black Room and help locate Tim Hunter and Zatanna.