
Powers and Abilities

Asgardians possess the standard physical attributes of an Asgardian Male: Superhuman strength enabling him to lift at least 30 tons Asgardian Females 25 tons, superhuman speed far superior to that of the finest human athlete, stamina enabling them to perform at their absolute peak for at least 24 hours before even starting to tire, superhuman reflexes greater than a human’s, superhuman durability that allows them to withstand powerful impact forces, extreme temperatures and pressures, falls from great heights, energy blasts and high caliber bullets without sustaining injury; and finally, Asgardians’s agility is also superhuman. Asgardians also possess a regenerative healing factor, being capable of healing from injuries such as slashes and puncture wounds in a matter of hours, and mending broken bone within the day. They can’t however, regenarate missing limbs or organs without magical assistance. The Gods of Asgard are also granted certain mystical abilities that in the past have shown to get them the power to change their appearance, transform matter and wield a numerous amount of different energies. Though many Asgardian Gods/Goddess’ have not shown the ability to wield any type of energy or shown any mystic abilities these powers are inherent to all of their race. Like standard conventional Asgardian gods