Judith Banyaski met Aspen Matthews at the beach after Aspen rescue some people on the boat from pirates. While the girls go on a tour with Aspen’s former teacher Colin Woreth at the Wave, they encounter a Ceratonotus Steiningeri, a parasitic creature that can disguise itself as a human or any living being. Judith and Colin tend the Wave’s head of security Major Drumm’s wounds while Aspen fights off the Ceratonotus.
Judith, Aspen and Colin went on a deep-sea adventure along with two associates, Shethal and a sheik (no name mentioned in Fathom Vol. 4) that brought them here on a mysterious discovery. While Aspen confronts Padma (sister of Shethal who’s now a sub-oceanic creature) Judith and Colin are captured by a surface dweller Takeo Nakamura and his own Tigersharks. Nakamura tries to harness the power of the Blue of his own using some experiments on Judith, but things got awry when an experimental entity of the Blue possesses Judith giving her unique Blue-like ability and killed Nakamura and his Tigersharks. Aspen uses her power to save Judith from the clutches of the powerful entity and they both manage to save Colin and others while getting out the falling base underwater.